And Now for Something Completely Different…

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Source Newsletter for School Heads Header Image

School Heads//

May 7, 2013

Students at Bellingham Christian School (WA) got exciting news on May 1— a Sun Day! No school due to nice weather! The school did not have to shutter for any snow days this year, and School Head Bob Sampson said he wanted to re-create how excited the kids get on snow days. So he started a teaser campaign about a possible day off earlier in the week.

"Kids just love the anticipation of sitting around to see if school is canceled when it snows," he said. "You know, we haven't had any snow days, so I thought 'how fun would it be to create that anticipation for kids when it's nice out?'"

Sampson noted that the Sun Day gave the kids a chance to re-energize, while adding to a positive school culture.

"In a world that's got a lot of hard things going, it's fun to create a moment of joy," he said.

The Sun Day hit the Internet with features on the Huffington Post, MSN News, and Yahoo! Weather, as well as local and Washington state media.

Sampson asked students to take pictures of what they did on their Sun Day to show at an assembly.

Additional ISM resources of interest
ISM Monthly Update for Division Heads Vol. 8 No. 4 Use Rally Points to Turn Winter Doldrums Into Morale Boosters
ISM Web site Symptoms of a Toxic Schedule

Additional resources for ISM Consortium Gold Members
Ideas & Perspectives Vol. 34 No. 11 Recess May Be More Than You Think
To The Point Vol. 15 No. 8 Benefit Students: Add Outside Experiences to Your Schedule


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