Virtual Workshops

Explore, engage, and empower your school with professional development from ISM.
Virtual Workshops
Virtual Workshops

Dig into the “nuts and bolts” around your day-to-day operations from the comfort of campus.

Our Virtual Workshops, offered at various times throughout the school year, address questions and deliver solutions you can implement right away for immediate impact in your role.

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Student-Centered Scheduling Design

Date(s): 3/17/2025 — 3/21/2025 Status: Open

Examine the latest research in scheduling and classroom instruction to guarantee that your schedule maximizes student learning.

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General & Silver

$2,660.00 Gold

$2,360.00 3+ Person


(Re)Build a Strong Advisory Program

Date(s): 4/28/2025 — 5/1/2025 Status: Open

Create and implement a thriving advisory program to support your middle and upper school students.

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General & Silver

$1,995.00 Gold

$1,776.00 3+ Person