Ask Michael

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Business and Operations//

October 18, 2011

Q: We offer faculty 10-month contracts (August 15–June 14). As a practical matter, though, we often ask faculty to stay a few days after the end of the contract in June to wrap things up after students have left for the summer, as well as having them come in for a few days over the summer for various reasons. I’ve heard a few faculty grumble about “not getting paid for this.” How can we address this?

A: For many reasons—including the issue  noted in your question—we generally encourage schools to consider 12-month contracts for faculty. Among the host of problems it tends to resolve are:?

  • Ensuring that no one is working during the summer without Workers’ Compensation, health insurance, liability insurance, and other protections.
  • Making certain that, if death or disability occurs during the summer, the employee or his/her family will benefit from the school’s term life insurance and/or disability insurance policies (rather than claims being denied due to the employee’s non-working status during the summer).
  • Maintaining a continual employment perspective on the part of the faculty member—i.e., having them consider that they are on “paid vacation” status during most of the summer, rather than being “unemployed” without a connection to the school.

We find it inappropriate, ineffective, and risky to have faculty members who are “between contracts” during summer months—when, for all practical purposes, you consider them employees of the school. It's much better—and much clearer—to have all parties be certain that faculty are employed continually throughout the summer.

Additional ISM articles of interest
ISM Monthly Update for Human Resources Vol. 8 No. 6 Faculty Contracts
ISM Monthly Update for Human Resources Vol. 9 No. 2 Contracts or Employment At-Will Agreements— What Are the Issues?
ISM Monthly Update for Human Resources Vol. 9 No. 6 Faculty Contract Language: Don’t Paint Yourself Into a Corner

Additional ISM resources for Consortium Members
Research Area: Contracts and Forms. Faculty Culture Profile
I&P Vol. 36 No. 4 ISM Success Predictor No. 4: Highly Specific Course/Professional Development Faculty Contracts
I&P Vol. 26 No. 2 Meaningful Faculty Evaluation: 10 Administrative Caveats and Reminders
I&P Vol. 35 No. 4 Terminating At-Will or Under Contract: Fairness and Due Process Are What Count


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