Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) Could Dramatically Impact Schools

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Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

December 10, 2009

Let us be the first to break it to you … in a nutshell, if passed in its present form, the EFCA would eliminate the traditional "secret ballot election" process that has been in place with respect to union organizing for the past 70 years. Instead, once a majority of "signature cards" (thus the legislation's nickname as the "Card Check Bill") have been signed by eligible employees, a union would immediately be in place—without benefit of the traditional six-week "election" campaign in which both sides "campaign" and present their positions. All schools should become familiar with the bill and reflect on its potential impact in their school. A vast amount of information is available on the internet regarding EFCA, both pro and con. A few key resources include:

Wikipedia (Not the usual place we turn for information or to cite, however, this is a good explanation.)

Jackson Lewis Webinar (free!)


As with any piece of pending legislation, compromise versions may arise and developments may occur quickly. Check the national news (web and tv) for the latest information on this topic.


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