Strengthen Your School’s Volunteer Program to Benefit Your Students and Community

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Academic Leadership//

March 19, 2018

Many private-independent schools want their students to become purveyors of positive change in their communities. School leaders, therefore, incorporate this fundamental goal into their missions, and create service learning programs to help deliver on their pledge.

We recently highlighted how to ensure there is a successful service learning program at your school. A new study from the Journal of Adolescence further validates that a service learning program is not only beneficial to your community, but also to the well-being of your student volunteers.

The study examined the effects of volunteering on 681 teenagers between the ages of 11 and 14. Researchers found that teens had increased feelings of self-worth after helping others through both large and small acts of kindness. Furthermore, these feelings were amplified when assisting strangers rather than family members or friends.

In a study conducted by researchers from the University of Liverpool and University College London, 24% of girls and 9% of boys reported symptoms of depression by age 14. A volunteer program helps students—especially in middle and upper school divisions—feel an increased sense of self-worth. This can be especially constructive when it comes to your school’s overall culture.

Providing a structure for giving back can allow students to see how their contributions matter to their communities, and perhaps help them avoid some pitfalls of adolescence.

A successful service learning program has four successful tenets. Keep these in mind when starting a new program or strengthening your current one.

  • Your program is structured around your school’s Purpose and Outcome Statements. These include your mission statement, Portrait of the Graduate (a list of desired student outcomes), and Characteristics of Professional Excellence (a list of characteristics that your ideal faculty members share).
  • Your program is managed by a leader. This person should be active within your community. He or she must be able to generate enthusiasm for the program among faculty, parents, staff, and students.
  • Your program is run continuously throughout the year. You want your students to embrace learning as a lifelong pursuit—service should follow the same model. Develop a way for students to give back both during the school year and in the summer months.
  • Your program is integrated into your school’s curriculum. Your service program should provide opportunities for each student to explore areas he or she may want to pursue as a career, planting the seeds for a lifetime of learning and social contribution.

To make your service learning program as accessible as possible, consider scheduling volunteer opportunities during the school day as you would other elements of your curriculum. Creating time in the school day helps you maintain the quality of your program, and ensures it supports your mission while enhancing the overall quality of the students’ experiences.

Additional ISM Resources:
The Source for Academic Leadership Vol. 15 No. 3 Four Ways to Ensure a Successful Community Service Program

Additional ISM resources for Gold members:
I&P Vol. 38 No. 5 Community Service and Service Learning: Designing a Successful Program
Vol. 40 No. 14 Scheduling the 21st Century Service Learning Program


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