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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Your Essential Duties as a Leadership Team Member

Private School News // September 27, 2018

Being part of your school’s Leadership Team is a valued role, one that serves your students, parents, and broader community. There’s also no denying that it can a stressful job—one where you’re expected to take on various tasks to support the school. Often times, job descriptions don’t exist, or don’t fully outline all the duties you are ultimately responsible for managing.

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Avoid These Four School Website Mistakes

Private School News // September 27, 2018

Your website is your school’s outward reflection of its mission, culture, and of course, its story. This is how your community connects with everything happening on your campus and where they can inquire about enrollment—often one of your primary goals for prospective families. Because your site’s main focus is to capture the hearts of potential families, it’s important that your site doesn’t drive users away after a few seconds.

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Five Benefits Provided by a Quality Summer Program

Private School News // September 27, 2018

A summer program offers numerous benefits to your students, parents, faculty, staff, and community. If you don’t currently provide a summer program, or feel your offerings aren’t as strong as they could be, there are many ways to create a quality summer program that supports your school’s mission.

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How Many Trustees Does It Take?

Board of Trustees // September 25, 2018

As Board President, make sure your Board isn’t “spinning”—from its own or the school community’s perspective—and that you have the right number of Trustees to accomplish your school’s goals.

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Trustee Visibility: Strategies for Seeing and Being Seen

Board of Trustees // September 24, 2018

Trustees are busy people. Many feel that the time given to committee and full-Board meetings satisfies their commitment to the school. However, those who don’t consider visits to campus and attendance at school events a part of Board membership leave out a very important component of their responsibilities.

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The Importance of a Strategic Scheduling Meeting

Academic Leadership // September 20, 2018

Your school’s daily schedule is an incredibly important aspect of how you deliver your mission to students. It defines how long students spend on each subject, with each teacher, and in each classroom. It can enhance academic performance or become a source of stress for students and faculty. That’s why it’s important to hold an annual strategic scheduling meeting to assess what’s working and what isn’t within your school schedule.

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Why You Should Rethink Your Parent Education Program

Academic Leadership // September 20, 2018

Your parent education program aims to engage your students’ families and help them feel like true members of your community. Your school puts hard work into holding events and creating materials, so it can be disappointing if only a small percentage of your families participate on a regular basis.

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Creating a Safe School Environment

Business and Operations // September 11, 2018

Creating a safe school environment for students, faculty, and staff is no simple endeavor in today’s world. Addressing both physical and psychological safety is a complex undertaking and requires care and attention to many facets of school operations.

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A Summer Program Risk Checklist

Business and Operations // September 11, 2018

Summer programs are distinctly different from your school-year offerings—and they propose different risks. The Business Office, along with the Summer Program Director and School Head, will need to consider how to approach your summer program.

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