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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Private School Sixth-Grader’s Science Fair Experiment Cited as “Pilot Study” in New Lionfish Research

Private School News // August 11, 2014

There’s much to be said for being raised by two ecologists and attending a private school that encourages scientific exploration. In fact, with the kind of support Lauren Arrington received from her family and school, it’s no surprise that her science fair experiment was cited as a “pilot study” for groundbreaking ecological research on invasive species—all before she was old enough to drive.

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Lessons for Private Schools From Comcast Call Catastrophe

Private School News // August 11, 2014

What do you think of when someone says “customer service”? Terrible wait times and unresolved problems at mammoth corporations spring to mind, but these impressions are the opposite of what customer service should be. Every organization—including private schools—should strive for excellent relations with its clients. Your school must actively foster relationships with families, faculty, and students to avoid careless interactions that can lead to big publicity problems.

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“What’s for Lunch?” –Private Schools Providing Healthy Meals

Private School News // August 11, 2014

The annual conference for the School Nutrition Association (SNA) took place a few weeks ago. Vendors lined up in rows, all plying their goods and demonstrating how their product was not just tasty, but also in compliance with tougher U.S. federal guidelines for lunches, effective as of July 1 this year.

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Take Note: Four Private School Blogs to Emulate

Private School News // July 7, 2014

Blogging can be one of the easiest and most reliable ways to get your private school’s message onto the Web and into the community. However, worries about the time commitment or whether you have anything of interest to say can stop your school from publishing that first post. To inspire you for next year, here are four private-independent school administrators who are doing a marvelous job blogging their school’s mission to cyberspace—and whose example you can follow in your own blog.

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“What Your Students Did Over Summer Vacation”

Private School News // July 7, 2014

For most students, summer vacation offers a time of relaxation and rest before the start of another jam-packed school year. For others, though, summer marks the beginning of new adventures and opportunities otherwise unnoticed during days full of classes and nights full of homework. What are your students doing this summer? Read on for a glimpse into the possibilities of summer break.

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2014 Summer Reading List for Private School Administrators

Private School News // July 7, 2014

While the warm weather invites people to step outside their offices for some well-deserved relaxation from the stress of the school year, summer break also presents an opportunity to catch up on some books from your “read when I get a chance” list. Here’s our list of must-read books for private school administrators for the summer.

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Breathe Easy With(out) Mold: How Other Schools Handled Mold Infestations

Business and Operations // June 27, 2014

As the de facto Facilities Manager, you’re likely very familiar with your school’s minor facility inconveniences. The girls’ bathroom lights always seem to flicker as if in a horror movie; the projectors show the blue screen of death anytime the chemistry teacher wants to show a video demonstration; and the school garden attracts unseemly quantities of Japanese beetles. There are bigger problems on your plate, so you typically wait to “get around to it later.” Well, there’s one concern that if left untreated will become a big headache—fast. And that, dear readers, is mold.

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Ask ISM's Health Care Reform Specialist

Business and Operations // June 27, 2014

Q: Our broker has informed us that our insurance plan is too good, and that we will have to pay a penalty. Is this true? I understand that there are minimum requirements, but I wasn’t aware that there are also caps on how comprehensive the coverage you offer can be.

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Summer Reading for Business Managers: Recommended Books and Webinars

Business and Operations // June 27, 2014

Summer can be a peaceful time at school—while everyone’s out of the building, you’re able to complete loud facility upgrades and examine policies in peace. But, that’s no reason not to take a few moments and rejuvenate your mind with a great book! So keep reading (see what we did there?) for some recommended books and webinars to help you discover and implement great strategies this next school year.

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Summer Reading for Division Heads: Recommended Books and Webinars

Academic Leadership // June 24, 2014

There’s a heat in the air, a humidity that refuses to lift, and an itch in your feet to walk on green grass rather than plush carpet. That’s right, summer’s here! While the classrooms are empty, there’s no need for learning to stop. So spend some time this summer catching up on your recommended reading and that professional development webinar you’ve been meaning to watch.

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