Employee and School Culture Surveys

Employee and School Culture Surveys
Employee and School Culture Surveys

ISM Surveys



Take the guessing game out of your decisions. Discover your school's strengths and weaknesses through assessment resources and data derived from your parents and your Board.

Our school surveys unlock the truth about your school's strategic future, giving you the data needed to make solid, profound changes throughout your culture, policies, and processes to ensure your school’s future.

School Surveys

Stability Marker® Assessment Instruments

Position-specific surveys are directed to your School Head, the Board of Trustees and its President, the Business Manager, the Admission Director, and the Development Director. In addition, all faculty members will complete the Faculty Culture Profile II and the Faculty Experience Survey, and students complete the Student Experience Profile (see description above). The results of the completed surveys are tabulated and ranked according to the ISM Stability Markers®, our research-based indicators of a school’s continued success and viability.

Faculty Culture Survey

A positive, growth-focused faculty culture is the strongest predictor of student performance, satisfaction, and enthusiasm. This survey measures the predictability and support your faculty feel they provide to their students. Administered to all full-time teaching faculty. Includes ISM Seasonal Benchmark Data.

Faculty Experience Survey (FES)

Just as students require predictability and support from their teachers, faculty need predictability and support from their administrators. This survey measures the teachers’ attitudes and opinions regarding the level of predictability and support they experience from their administrators. The scores from this survey place your faculty’s experience on the School Culture Matrix, ranging from “toxic” to “optimal.”

Employee Satisfaction Survey

While the FCP II examines the culture of your school based on what we know to be the primary predictors of student satisfaction, performance, and enthusiasm, this survey is designed to gauge faculty and/or staff job satisfaction, as well as to gain important insights about your school’s particular programs, student life, and school culture.

Board Survey

As a Board President or Chair of the Committee on Trustees, this instrument can be used both as an independent measure of your Board's strategic orientation and as a critical scoring component in the ISM Stability Markers®. That total comprises your Board's score on the governance portion of the ISM Stability Markers® assessment.