Virtual Workshops

Explore, engage, and empower your school with professional development from ISM.
Virtual Workshops
Virtual Workshops

Dig into the “nuts and bolts” around your day-to-day operations from the comfort of campus.

Our Virtual Workshops, offered at various times throughout the school year, address questions and deliver solutions you can implement right away for immediate impact in your role.

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Rethinking Student Assessment: Collecting Authentic Evidence of Learning

Date(s): 10/3/2024 — 10/4/2024 Status: Open

Explore new methodologies for collecting evidence of meaningful, authentic student learning and comprehension.

Are your students involved in hands-on work that keeps them actively engaged? Do they produce work and perform tasks that they believe are purposeful?

It’s time to think about your school’s approach to assessment—that is, how you measure evidence of learning and achievement. Join us in an exploration of common student measurements, like multiple-choice tests, timed writings, worksheets, and other basic skills tests as we rethink how to collect authentic indications of student learning.

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General & Silver

$580.00 Gold


For Teachers: How to Succeed When You’re New to Teaching in Independent Schools

Date(s): 10/9/2024 — 10/10/2024 Status: Open

Explore foundational strategies to help you launch into your new role in an independent school, regardless of how long you’ve been teaching.

Independent schools are unlike any other educational setting. Teachers—attend this workshop to gain the tools you need to be successful from day one. Develop a foundational understanding of how independent schools work, how your school’s mission influences your role as a teacher, and how to flourish from the first day in your new school community.

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General & Silver

$580.00 Gold