ISM’s Consulting Services can be conducted virtually, ensuring you get the support you need, no matter the circumstances. Learn more by contacting our School Success team.
Ensure your school’s day-to-day operations are efficient, safe, and compliant.
Protecting your school is your top priority. Whether that includes putting the right logistical processes in place or creating new programs and services, your Business Office is charged with managing the safety and well-being of your students, teachers, staff, and community.
Take advantage of a full range of facilities and operations consulting services that give your school a solid footing for the future. Examine where your key operations work well, and where they can use improvement.
Discover how ISM can help strengthen your school’s strategies in business and operations.
School Operations
Business Operations Assessment
For the school that wants to optimize its Business Office operations to better support its mission.
Receive valuable insight on how your operations run today and the solutions you need to keep the Business Office running efficiently. Examine your staffing structure, budget preparation, systems and procedures (including tuition collection), purchasing, cash management, criteria for Board and administrative financial reports, communication, and more.
Faculty Compensation Analysis
For the school that wants to attract mission-appropriate teachers with competitive and fair compensation packages.
Determine what teachers want most, and receive detailed insight on how to deliver it. ISM administers surveys to your faculty and the Consultant provides detailed insight and analysis about the findings. This includes how well your teachers understand the benefits your school offers, and what parts of compensation packages they value most.
Risk Management Assessment
For the school that wants to identify potential challenges and liabilities that could significantly impact its reputation and bottom line—but isn’t sure where to start.
While no process can anticipate every untoward event, ensure that you and your fellow school leaders are sufficiently informed about areas of potential liability. This process looks at safety, contractual issues, discrimination, employment practices, and the use of vendors and facilities. If improperly managed, these areas can result in legal exposures, government intervention, and even lawsuits. Be prepared to hold difficult conversations about challenges you face, ask the right questions of yourself and others, and do so at the right time—before an unfortunate event occurs.
Summer Program Assessment
For the school that wants to build and offer a stellar summer program.
When your school offers a quality summer program, it generates various benefits: a valued service to current parents, new recruitment opportunities, supplemental employment for your school’s faculty, a chance to consider innovative academic programs, and so much more. Whether your school runs its own summer program, allows third-party vendors to use your campus, or offers a hybrid approach, rely on the assessment to help you build the right program for your community. You’ll explore recommended strategies for risk management, facilities use, marketing to your community, and more.
The Stability Markers and how we can benchmark our school were invaluable, especially as we embark on a re-development project to improve school facilities.
Irene Ackuaku, Director of Finance and Business Services
Lincoln Community School, Ghana
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