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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Ask the Development Expert

Advancement // March 22, 2011

Q: How do you count divorced families? As one household or two? Meaning, if one gave and the other did not, do you have a 50% parent participation or 100%?

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A Word to the Wise: In Cyberspace Doesn’t Mean Free to Use

Advancement // March 22, 2011

The copywriters at Webcopyplus blew it. And they admitted it. They searched for an image for a tourism piece and found what they were looking for in Google images. Then they downloaded the image and used it, assuming that since the image did not have a copyright notice it was “public domain” and this free to use.

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1:1 Laptops in the Classroom—Where Are We Now?

School Heads // March 15, 2011

For more than a decade now, we have heard the battle cry: “Give every student a laptop to improve learning, engagement, test scores, graduation rates…” you name it. And many schools and school districts have adopted 1:1 laptop programs, giving students a tool to explore and have access to the wider world beyond their own community. Indeed, access to the world of information and instant communication via the Internet is one of the key pieces in the 21st Century School concept. But where are we, for real? What has happened in the classrooms that have adopted a 1:1 laptop program?

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Bedbug “Epidemic” Means Schools Have to Be Ready

School Heads // March 15, 2011

There have been plenty of stories about bedbugs in the last couple of years. These nasty little creatures, that are very difficult to eradicate, have been found in all 50 states, according the National Pest Management Association. In fact, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently held its second national bedbug summit.

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Five Questions to Ask Yourself When Advertising Open Positions

Private School News // March 4, 2011

It’s that time of year again—hiring season … and it looks like a busy one for many schools! This year, we’ve received a record number of questions about what a good ad should say. Because each school is unique, there isn’t a stock answer to this. However, we can offer five key questions that you should ask (and answer) when writing the ad:

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Are Obstacles—Real or Imagined—Standing in Your Way?

Academic Leadership // February 25, 2011

Progress—and success—requires hard work and determination. It’s often easier to fall back on some handy reason why you can’t accept a challenge, or face an issue. In his most recent book, Excuses Begone, self-help guru and motivational speaker, Dr. Wayne Dyer, lists 18 common excuses that people use to rationalize not taking action or striving to improve their lives. While some of these reasons may be very real (feasibility must be considered) many of these excuses are essentially are self-imposed obstacles for taking action.

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