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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Online Giving Is Growing—How Well Does Your School Communicate?

Advancement // May 11, 2010

Online giving isn't new—people have been using the Internet to make contributions for more than 15 years. As donors have grown increasingly comfortable making their contributions online, giving via the Internet has shot up exponentially. In 2000, online donations totaled $250 million. Just five years later, that ballooned to $4.5 billion. And that only represents 2-3% of annual individual giving of $200 billion.

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Mornings

Business and Operations // May 11, 2010

Regardless if you're a morning person, an afternoon person, or one of those late night creatives, you still need to start your day off on the right track. Studies show that if you eat breakfast in the morning, you have more energy to power through those morning tasks. It's like a jump-start for your brain.

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It's Teacher Recruitment Time—What You Should Know About Interviewing

Academic Leadership // April 30, 2010

We are at the height of faculty recruitment season … and you will be selecting candidates, conducting interviews, and making your choices for the next academic year. Yes, you are looking for the most mission-appropriate teachers for your school—but did you know that some seemingly innocent, "get to know you" questions can be illegal in terms of the hiring laws?

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Quality Advisory Sets Private Schools Apart

Academic Leadership // April 30, 2010

Dollars are tight and parents have more public options for their kids in the form of charter and magnet schools. For families on the fence—those who are evaluating if your school is "worth it"—a quality advisory program is a clear difference-maker.

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Liability and Risk Management Issues Associated with Exercise Equipment

Private School News // April 29, 2010

It may not be football season, but that doesn't mean sports-related and fitness-equipment-related injuries can be forgotten until next school year. One of the most frequent sources of negligence claims and lawsuits against personnel and facilities stems from the use of exercise equipment. Many claims report a failure to properly instruct on the proper use of equipment and/or insufficient supervision. These claims often include allegations related to the following*:

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Tips for Parents on How to Keep Their Children Safe Online

Private School News // April 29, 2010

Allowing kids to go online unsupervised and without ground rules is like letting them explore a major metropolis by themselves. The Internet, like a city, offers enormous opportunities for entertainment and education, but also presents risks. —The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

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Insect Bites That Do More Than Sting

Private School News // April 29, 2010

Springtime brings out more than new leaves and flowers—it brings out all those little critters, too. As classes start to wander outdoors again, exploring kids wander through the sports fields again, and school gardens begin to grow, this is a good time to be reminded of potential allergies to insect bites and stings.

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A Teenager's Search For Happiness

Private School News // April 27, 2010

Editorial Most adults, if not all of us, set out each morning on a quiet journey to find happiness. We don't always find it—we don't always look in the right places to find it—but we always intend to. Teenagers set out each morning on the same journey. They want to be accepted, appreciated, respected, and most of all, happy.

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Are Our Schools Obsolete?

School Heads // April 23, 2010

It seems that every decade there's a new "flavor of the month." Each time, it is the new thing that will revolutionize education and change the way in which we do things. It is possible that the last invention to truly change education was the blackboard, invented in 1801 and popularized in the United States in 1842 by William Alcott. Tables and benches were replaced by individual desks and chairs, and the Prussian military rows were incorporated as the ideal of educational practice.

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