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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Donor Naming Opportunities and Policy: Questions to Answer

Advancement // July 20, 2015

Naming opportunities recently came up as a topic of conversation on our Development Director e-List. After all, publicly acknowledging a major donor with a plaque or a sign on campus is a fantastic way to say thank you for his/her support. That said, your school—spearheaded by the Development Office—should plan how it will approach donors interested in signing their names on your school, in a manner of speaking.

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Three Podcasts for Development Directors

Advancement // July 20, 2015

What’s playing over your headphones lately? Music, or a favorite morning talk show? You could use your spare time as a way to find out what’s going on with your peers and learn new techniques through podcasts! Podcasts are like pre-recorded radio shows you can download to your phone, music player, or computer. This month, we’ve found three we think Development Directors will appreciate.

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Three Podcasts for Business Officers

Business and Operations // July 17, 2015

What’s playing over your headphones lately? Music, or a favorite morning talk show? You could use your spare time as a way to find out what’s going on with your peers and learn new techniques through podcasts! Podcasts are like pre-recorded radio shows you can download to your phone, music player, or computer. This month, we’ve found three we think Business Officers will appreciate.

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Moderation Is Everything: The Health Effects of Juice

Business and Operations // July 17, 2015

Soda was once the Big Bad Wolf of student health reform measures. After all, an estimated 41% of a student’s sugar intake once came solely from liquids, according to the Center for Disease Control—and soda comprised a large portion of those liquids. The sugary, carbonated beverages have now largely disappeared from school vending machines and lunch offerings, but that doesn’t mean sugary drinks are gone completely. Some private-independent schools and public institutions are slowly phasing out juice—even 100% fruit juice with no added sugar—though research is conflicted on whether these sweet substitutes are as unhealthy as soda.

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Ask ISM's Health Care Reform Specialist

Business and Operations // July 17, 2015

Q: We have employees who are not paid over summer break and who are not actively working with us during that time. If they work on average less than 30 hours per week because of the break, do we have to offer them health insurance?

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Private School Students Improve Their Communities

Private School News // July 10, 2015

Private-independent school students inspired their communities during the spring session by giving back to the neighborhoods where they lived. From Ohio to North Carolina, students took the initiative to feed the hungry and celebrate the accomplishments of those others may have ignored—and we’d like to take a moment to celebrate their unsung actions.

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Three Podcasts for Private-Independent School Administrators

Private School News // July 10, 2015

What’s playing over your headphones lately? Music, or a favorite morning talk show? You could use your spare time as a way to find out what’s going on with your peers and learn new techniques through podcasts! Podcasts are pre-recorded radio shows you can download to your phone, music player, or computer. This month, we’ve found three we think all private-independent school administrators will appreciate.

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LinkedIn for Administrators, Part One: Spruce Up Your Profile

Private School News // July 10, 2015

Not so long ago, we wrote about why Business Officers should be active on LinkedIn. Then it occurred to us: Every private-independent school administrator should be using LinkedIn, especially since it’s expanded beyond a simple job search site. Today, we’re going to talk about one of the most basic—and most important—aspects to your professional persona on LinkedIn: Your personal profile.

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Three Podcasts for School Heads

School Heads // July 9, 2015

What’s playing over your headphones lately? Music, or a favorite morning talk show? You could use your spare time as a way to find out what’s going on with your peers and learn new techniques through podcasts! Podcasts are pre-recorded radio shows you can download to your phone, music player, or computer. This month, we’ve found three we think School Heads will appreciate.

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Three Podcasts for Division Heads

Academic Leadership // July 8, 2015

What’s playing over your headphones lately? Music, or a favorite morning talk show? You could use your spare time as a way to find out what’s going on with your peers and learn new techniques through podcasts! Podcasts are pre-recorded radio shows you can download to your phone, music player, or computer. This month, we’ve found three we think Division Heads will appreciate.

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