Q: We don’t provide faculty members (or any other employees) with written performance evaluations. Is this a problem?
A: The good news is that there are no federal or state laws requiring employers (including schools) to provide their employees with written performance evaluations—so, the school is not out of compliance in this regard. The bad news is that the lack of written performance evaluations can present a significant risk when an employee is terminated for performance reasons. If there is little or no written documentation of poor performance, the terminated employee can more easily accuse the school of having discriminatory reasons for the termination. Beyond this, there are also very good “cultural” reasons for conducting annual evaluations.
Watch our YouTube video for the complete answer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4eN91qdwfM
Once a month, ISM’s Human Resources Consultant, Michael Brisciana, will answer an HR-related question submitted by one of our readers. To ask Michael a question to be in addressed in future e-letters, please click here.