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Business and Operations//

May 31, 2011

No Child Left Inside ®—Planning Low-Impact Day Vacations

Memorial Day marked the unofficial start of summer. Pools, parks, and beaches that were closed for the winter season all opened their gates and welcomed the flood of eager tourists. For many families, it was a weekend packed with outdoor events.

But not every weekend can be as outdoor-oriented or as engaging. Schools are out for the summer, but for most parents, their schedule remains the same. Their weekends are opportunities to catch up on errands and chores the hectic weekday wouldn’t allow, and often enough it doesn’t include a great amount of outdoor adventure.

Connecticut is hoping to change that. The state’s newest ad campaign is “No Child Left Inside ®.” They are highlighting their parks , waterways, and forests as boundless opportunities for families to explore, have fun, and get healthy together. The Web site is packed with weekend events, park locations, and ideas for families to get outdoors and spend time together.

To read the No Child Left Inside mission statement and browse their programs click here.


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