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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Surveys: What You Really Know Makes You Stronger

School Heads // September 17, 2012

What you hear through your school’s “whisper down the lane” network may give you an incomplete, exaggerated, or just plain inaccurate picture of what the school community is thinking. While murmurings may tip you off to a potential problem, need, or strength, the opinions of the loudest parents are not necessarily shared by the majority.

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A Conversation About Financial Aid, the Second Biggest Budget Item

School Heads // September 17, 2012

When was the last time you looked at the Financial Aid line on your budget? I mean, really looked. Financial Aid seems like a stepchild in school finance circles— too big to ignore, and yet, because its inner workings are carried on behind closed doors to protect the identity of families, never really brought out into the light of day and really talked about. And it IS too big to ignore.

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Thinking About Your School Benefits

Business and Operations // September 11, 2012

The last thing on your mind as the school year kicks into high gear is your benefits package. Your contracts are signed, excitement is at its peak, and all systems are go. However, now is one of the best times to start thinking about your employee benefits and perhaps consider a change.

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Debating Dairy in School Lunches

Business and Operations // September 7, 2012

School lunches are once again a topic of discussion. Beyond the vending machine arguments, the sugar wars, and the heated debates about healthier lunch options is a new motion—milk cartons. An anti-cheese group claims that the real culprit for childhood weight worries is the standard serving of milk that is traditionally offered with school lunches.

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Green Corner: Back-To-School Green Tips

Business and Operations // September 7, 2012

Among all the back-to-school commotion are always ideas on how to keep this year’s costs as manageable as possible. Suggestions come pouring in from your Head, teachers, parents, and most likely even your Board. While technology brings benefits to your students, it comes at a cost—an extremely high cost for some.

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What Constitutes a Major Gift?

Advancement // September 4, 2012

In the seven decades following its 1923 establishment, Glassboro State College in South New Jersey was essentially the teachers' college for the area. A solid, growing college for many locals and in-staters, it was best known for hosting the historic summit between President Lyndon Johnson and Soviet Premier Aleksei Kosygin in 1967.

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10 Major Concerns for Health Care Reform After Supreme Court Ruling

Private School News // August 22, 2012

Last month, we wrote an article about upcoming expected Health Care Reform changes for 2013–2014 after the Supreme Court found the Affordable Care Act legal. This month, we would like to share what global consulting and actuarial firm Milliman identifies as the major strategic considerations for plan sponsors, insurers, and advisers now that the Supreme Court has upheld the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

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From the Private School Blogosphere

Private School News // August 22, 2012

This month we searched Twitter for how people were preparing for the start of the 2012-13 school year. #backtoschool led us to many interesting articles and comments (lots of grunts and groans from students wishing for just a few more days off) about healthy lunches, new technology, health tips, news for new parents, and tons of sales and discounts tweets. Here are a few articles we thought were worth sharing. Sorry, we edited out all the sales!

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Start Off The New School Year With a Stellar Social Media Plan

Private School News // August 22, 2012

Last year, we wrote an article about how to incorporate social media into your school’s marketing plan. This year, we have confidence that social media is already part of your school’s communication strategy; what you need now are a few tips on how to propel to the next level.

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