2013: Renewing Your Passions

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Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

January 24, 2013

Those who are drawn to HR work in schools generally are givers by nature. This is a wonderful characteristic and should be duly celebrated. Sometimes, though, givers give to everyone else without remembering that they occasionally need to give to themselves, renewing their own energies and passions. As 2013 begins, we want to offer a few words of encouragement along these lines.

Resolutions Are Duties, Dreams Are Passions

It is traditional in many cultures to make New Year's resolutions. While we could all get more organized, or manage our time better, or stop doing this or start doing that, somehow there’s something very downcast and difficult about “resolutions.” Too often, they seem to be about giving up something, rather than moving toward something with vigor—a duty or obligation rather than a passion. They don’t elevate our hopes or engage our dreams, and thus do very little to renew our spirits or our energies.

What if, instead, your goal for 2013 was to dream a new dream, or to reinvigorate an old one … even if it’s one that might strike some as impractical or unrealistic? It might very well be impractical—but that’s ok. It’s your passion, and who knows where pursuing it might lead?

What If

In the professional realm, what if:

  • You gave yourself permission to engage your love of foreign cultures by pursuing a certificate in global human resources—even if your school is clearly not “international” in any way? You might reinvigorate yourself professionally … or might even end up teaching an international relations class to your seniors. Who knows!

In the personal realm, what if:

  • You put fingers to keyboard and wrote the novel, or short story, or blog that you’ve had in your heart and mind for the longest time, but were never confident enough to begin (or finish)? You might end up teaching a creative writing class or advising the school newspaper, connecting you more closely to those you ultimately aim to serve, the students.

Bridging both worlds, what if:

  • You let out your inner volunteer (and inner leader) and gathered a few like-minded colleagues or neighbors to start the food pantry for the needy in your community that you can see in your mind’s eye—even if you don’t have much more than a few cans of soup and a corner shelf in a garage to start with? This might branch out into a community service experience for your students, connecting both you and them more deeply to the school’s mission.

Looking Forward

Any of these things—or a million others—might inspire or engage you, and could lead you in untold directions. Or, they might lead nowhere other than having accomplished the thing itself. Either way, they’re sure to lift the spirit and re-set your perspective on the world around you. Thoreau advised to “advance confidently in the direction of your dreams.” Indeed. That’s something no mere “resolution” could give you.

Special wishes for a truly wonderful and inspired 2013!


Additional ISM articles of interest
ISM Monthly Update for School Heads Vol. 11 No. 4 Team Professional Development Adds Value to Lessons Learned
ISM Monthly Update for Division Heads Vol. 7 No. 1 10 Resolutions for a Great School Year
Private School News Vol. 10 No. 9 Questions To Ask Yourself In 2012
ISM Monthly Update for Risk Managers Vol. 2 No. 4 For the New Year … Items to Check in Your Group Long Term Disability Policy

Additional ISM articles of interest for Consortium Gold members
I&P Vol. 34 No. 13 New Research: The Relationship Between Faculty Professional Development and Student Performance
To The Point Vol. 10 No. 6 Three Characteristics of Faculty Professional Development


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