Ask ISM’s Risk Management Expert

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Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

May 30, 2014

Q: We rely on our volunteers. What concerns, if any, are there with using parents as volunteers?

A: Most, if not all, private-independent schools rely heavily on volunteers. Your school is not uncommon in this practice. Concerns range from student abuse to driving accidents to being unprepared to react in the event of an emergency. There are really only two ways to protect your school— conducting volunteer training and carrying the appropriate insurance policies.

Let’s start with Volunteer Training

Start with a Volunteer Rights & Duty statement and training in:

Volunteers Will:

  • Have as their primary focus the children in their care and custody;
  • Complete a background check (if required);
  • Attend required training sessions;
  • Attend training for signs of abuse or “children at risk”;
  • Keep student information confidential;
  • Always be respectful of the children in their care;
  • Report suspected abuse/concerns to the Principal or Volunteer Coordinator, as well as calling Child Protective Services;
  • Follow school policies;
  • Call in advance if unable to keep a commitment;
  • Sign in/out when entering the building through the school office;
  • Wear a nametag while working; and
  • Know who to contact in an emergency.

Volunteers Will Not:

  • Ever, leave any students unattended;
  • Assume unauthorized responsibility;
  • Give medication to students;
  • Avoid “one-on-one” situations with students; or
  • Discipline students (unless safety is involved).

Where possible, DO NOT have volunteers drive! Where absolutely needed, consider these points before and during the trip.

  • Using a pre-approval form, know who is driving and what type of vehicles are being used.
  • Obtain proof of current license and personal insurance.
  • Create a trip route for all to use and use a caravan approach should any one vehicle experience difficulties.
  • Have accessible health records, a copy of your school’s accident protocol, and contact info.
  • Train volunteers how to respond should an accident occur.

Regarding covering volunteers under your school’s various Insurance Polices, focus on General Liability, Auto, Property,D&O, and Worker’s Compensation. Review with your broker your policies and confirm which of them offer your school the best protection. You may need to upgrade your policies or purchase additional coverage.

We partner with all of our clients to offer insurance solutions that protect their faculty, staff, students—and volunteers. If you’d like to review your current policies with an ISM insurance adviser and receive a no-obligation proposal visit our insurance area.


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