Ask Michael

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Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

November 30, 2011

Q: We see that you keep writing about “Characteristics of Professional Excellence.” What would we use this for? Is it just another meaningless list that we’ll put a lot of time and effort into and then put it on a shelf to collect dust?

Answer: I appreciate your concern—having seen far too many organizations do exactly what you fear. However, the good news is that a well-developed list of “Characteristics of Professional Excellence” can have a very important and active role in the life of a school. Here’s what I mean:

1. Let’s say that the school appoints a committee to determine the “characteristics” that define an outstanding teacher at your school.

2. These characteristics can be used as the basis for interview questions—leading to the hiring of mission-appropriate teachers.

3. They are then the basis for orienting your new teachers to the mission, culture, and values of the school.

4. They are regularly communicated as the school’s expectations for all teachers.

5. They are the basis upon which teachers are evaluated annually.

6. They serve as an important point of reference for all teachers when developing their professional development goals for the year.

7. They are the basis on which under-performing teachers are coached, and mentored (and chronic poor performers are counseled out of the school).

In this way, use of thougthful “characteristics” can have a deep, active, and meaningful role in the life of the school.


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