Ask Michael

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Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

May 31, 2012

Q: We developed a “Characteristics of Faculty Excellence” statement a few years ago. At the time, it seemed to hold a lot of promise, but when we introduced it, it just sort of fell flat and was never really used. Is there any way to re-energize our list so that it’s not just one more forgotten document sitting on the shelf gathering dust?

A: Absolutely! Here are a few thoughts.

  • ISM’s list of Characteristics of Professional Excellence includes 35 items we believe to be important for private school faculty (primarily centered around the ideas of predictability and supportiveness).
  • However, 35 items is far too many to use effectively in any context. And—most importantly—the items need to be central to your unique mission, culture, and values if they are going to be meaningful to the life of the school.
  • Therefore, we suggest a committee of exemplary faculty be appointed and given the following charge: Develop a set of 5-8 characteristics that are integral to who we are as a school and which we can use in all areas of faculty life (from hiring to induction to evaluation to growth and renewal).
  • In doing so, the committee should attempt to answer one question: What does a great teacher look like here?
  • It may take the committee several months—with lots of feedback from faculty—to arrive at a list that crackles with energy and captures the essence of great teaching at your school.

In the end, though, if they successfully answer the “greatness” question, their work will be time very well spent, as this will guide your HR and faculty-related efforts in many ways going forward.


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