Design All of Your Employee Systems Around “Characteristics” (The Zappos Example)

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Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

February 27, 2012

During the past decade, the shoe/retail goods Web site, has become world famous and grown into a multi-billion dollar organization by emphasizing an extraordinary customer experience—chiefly delivered by front-line employees who are deeply imbued with the organization’s mission, culture, and values. These employees are hired based on mission-appropriate “characteristics” (i.e., performance traits) that they possess. Then, at every point of their career with Zappos, these traits—which form the basis of the Zappos culture—are continually emphasized, encouraged, supported, trained, and rewarded.

We believe that schools can do very much the same by identifying and using “Characteristics of Professional Excellence” as the basis for the school’s hiring, evaluation, and growth programs.

Characteristics of Professional Excellence

By reflecting on the performance of exemplary teachers who are well-aligned with a school’s mission, culture, and values, the school can identify particular “characteristics” that these stars demonstrate on a regular basis. Once they are identified, these same characteristics (or performance traits) can be used as the basis for the school’s hiring, evaluation, and growth programs. For example:

  • The characteristics can be communicated in the job posting for an open faculty position.
  • Interview questions can be asked that focus on ways that the candidates have demonstrated the characteristics in past positions.
  • A hiring decision is made based on which candidate exhibits the required characteristics and skills most fully.
  • The importance of these characteristics is emphasized in the school’s induction program.
  • Faculty are advised that their performance will be evaluated against these same criteria.
  • On-going coaching and feedback in support of these characteristics and skills is provided by administrators.
  • Faculty are encouraged to reflect on these characteristics when developing their annual professional growth programs.

In this way, the school’s unique mission, culture, and values are reflected, supported, and re-energized—i.e., faculty and administrators are constantly focused on the characteristics that are most important for delivering your mission with excellence.

Additional ISM articles of interest
ISM Monthly Update for Division Heads Vol. 7 No. 5 It's Hiring Season—Know What Not to Ask
ISM Monthly Update for Human Resources Vol. 10 No. 4 Ask Michael

Additional ISM articles of interest for Consortium Gold memebers:
To The Point Vol. 12 No. 7 Perfect Fit: Design a Safe and Legal Hiring Process Based on Your Mission and Culture
To The Point Vol. 13 No. 4 Employment Applications: An Essential Part of the Hiring Process


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