Eight International Student Recruitment Strategies to Consider

Eight International Student Recruitment Strategies to Consider
Eight International Student Recruitment Strategies to Consider

Private School News//

December 20, 2018

International students can add so much to your school. They can help expand your school’s cultural footprint, bring together students of different backgrounds, and support your goal of fostering a well-rounded community of like-minded learners.

But how do you help mission-appropriate international students learn about your school, and recruit them to join your institution?

There are a few strategies you might consider. One school district in Canada worked with schools in China to have a few Canadian teachers work in Chinese schools. In doing so, the Canadian schools hope to cultivate a relationship with international students. If the students desire an English-driven education abroad, the school hopes they’ll look first to the districts from which their first Canadian-English teachers hailed.

Of course, it might not always be feasible to send your educators to teach at foreign schools for that type of first-hand relationship building. Here are a few more tactics you might incorporate as your School Head, Enrollment Management Team, and Business Office consider your international student recruitment strategy.

  1. Create focus groups of international families who are already part of your community. Discover what originally appealed to them about your school, what they like about your community now, and how you can continue to improve to benefit international students.
  2. Develop relationships with international student recruiters and “sister schools” abroad.
  3. Partner with international education associations to increase visibility.
  4. Keep your website fresh with dynamic content of current students (domestic and international) to illustrate how an international student culture is part of your mission.
  5. Create recruitment materials in the native languages of targeted countries.
  6. Find and train teachers—not just your international admission team—who understand the cultures and languages of most of your international students.
  7. Establish resources for international students, such as adjustment counseling and peer-mentoring programs, during their stay. Market these offerings in your materials.
  8. Reach out to local communities with residents from the country you wish to engage to garner some grassroots campaigning for your international program.

Would you add any suggestions to our list? Share your thoughts in a comment below.

As you consider your International student recruitment strategies, you must also take the time to properly protect these visitors. International student accident insurance can help provide peace of mind for families of visiting students, ensuring they are protected while studying in the U.S. Learn more about ISM’s International student accident insurance here.

Additional ISM resources:
The Source for Private School News Vol. 17 No. 6 International Student Enrollment on the Decline
The Source for Private School News Vol. 17 No. 2 How Are Your International Students Adjusting?

Additional ISM resources for members:
I&P Vol. 42 No. 4 Your International Student Program, Part One
I&P Vol. 42 No. 5 Your International Student Program, Part Two


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