Getting Your Viral Party Started

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April 17, 2013

We’ve recently written a lot about the power of viral marketing. It is the easiest and most effective tool your school has for spreading its mission and attracting interest. All marketers agree, viral advertising is the oldest and most impressive form of communication. But just how do you get your school’s viral marketing party started?

Getting momentum behind your school’s message is the hardest part. Brilliant campaigns from the largest companies worldwide have failed in interesting people enough to get them talking. Billions of dollars have been spent only for organizations to find themselves stumped. Knowing just what will resonate enough with your audience to get them motivated and chatting is not an easy riddle to solve. But, it’s not hopeless. And your school doesn’t need to invest billions of dollars in its efforts, either. Here are a few tips to help you get your viral messages into your community’s gossip circles.

Network, Network, Network. Keep your top supporters—parents, faculty, students—whoever they may be, informed. These people are your first ring of influence—they’re your networkers. You’ll want them going to their groups (country club, bridge club, art center, gym, etc.) and talking about what is happening at your school. If you can keep them informed about the latest and greatest happenings at your school, you can keep your school in the minds of your community. But, don’t undervalue the power of influence you can have in your professional circles as well. If you extend your network to include other administrators from neighboring schools and keep your message in their minds, they, too, can become viral party members. Not all students fit all missions—they might have an application waiting for a student who would fit perfectly into your school’s culture.

Help Local Charities. By running school events that benefit community charities, you can generate good will and help spread your name around. You never know who sits on that charity’s Board or is part of their payroll. But, it doesn’t have to be something as large as hosting a drive. Your school can donate materials, services, or even evening space. Just being involved with other organizations in your area is one of the easiest ways to start people talking.

PR Is Your Friend. Don’t be shy about sending your local paper a short article about a recent event at your school. Many organizations and companies think you need money backing PR efforts. This isn’t always the case. Do some digging and find the name of the editor of the education or community section of papers in your area. Try connecting with them via e-mail, LinkedIn, and/or by an old-fashioned phone call.

Target Your Dollars Wisely. Stop blanket mailings. Know who your audience is and create your messages for them. Have a tailored list of those families who are your best prospects. Keep this list updated! It’s important to refresh mailing lists as often as possible—twice a year is not often enough.

Additional ISM articles of interest
ISM Monthly Update for Admission Officers Vol. 11 No. 5 How to Virally Market Through the Clutter
ISM Monthly Update for Division Heads Vol. 8 No. 3 Thinking Differently, Change the “Rules”
ISM Monthly Update for Admission Officers Vol. 11 No. 2 How To Get People Talking About Your School

Additional ISM articles of interest for Gold Consortium Members
I&P Vol. 35 No. 14 Assessing Your School’s Internal Marketing


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