Green Corner

Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image
Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

January 6, 2012

Five Simple Things You Can Promise To Do in 2012

If you haven’t included any green living promises on your resolution list, here are five easy things you can promise to do this year that will make a positive impact on your community—and ours as well. Share this list with students and colleagues too! The more energy saving and recycling, the better.

  • Donate used old towels to animal shelters. Animal shelters are always looking for old towels and blankets to use for their furry friends. Instead of tossing out your old towels, collect them for donation. Or, even better, run a small donation for your whole school and make several donations to local shelters and animal hospitals.
  • Buy local from farmers' markets and sustainable food retailors. Supporting local farming helps support your community. Local food is fresher, consumes less energy in transportation, and helps sustain farmers from your region. Your school can also participate in local-food supplied lunches.
  • Always travel with a refillable coffee and/or water container. Cut back on waste by reducing the number of disposable containers you use. Plastic bottles and Styrofoam cups are huge issues for landfills.
  • Bring your lunch in reusable containers. Cut back on waste by reducing the amount of disposable containers you use.
  • Pay your bills online. You can easily reduce the amount of paper waste you generate by requesting electronic bill statements and paying your bills on line. (It’s actually much easier, too!)


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  • webinar 9/18/2024 - 3:00pm ET

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