Green Corner: Back-To-School Green Tips

Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image
Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

September 7, 2012

Based on an article originally published by

Among all the back-to-school commotion are always ideas on how to keep this year’s costs as manageable as possible. Suggestions come pouring in from your Head, teachers, parents, and most likely even your Board. While technology brings benefits to your students, it comes at a cost—an extremely high cost for some. As costs are increased in the technology budget, what areas can function more cost-effectively? These tips taken from may offer you some ideas.

1. Eliminate paper coffee cups
Eliminating paper cups and asking employees to use their own mugs saves money and eliminates waste.

2. Purchase a dishwasher for lounges
This step goes hand-in-hand with Tip #1 since employees now have the ability to wash mugs, forks, spoons, and plates, eliminating the need for paper products.

3. Switch to green cleaning products
Ask your cleaning company to only use non-toxic and biodegradable cleaning products. Chemicals pose risks for children, and are harsher on the environment. Green products are not just safer, but also reduce your school’s carbon footprint.

4. Implement motion-detector lights in all rooms
Lights don’t need to be on in empty classrooms. Motion detectors can greatly reduce electricity waste.

5. Utilize recycle boxes to dispose of excess paper throughout your school
Putting recycling bins in all classrooms, hallways, and in the cafeteria not only teaches kids the importance of recycling, but also helps reduce waste.

6. Replace lighting with more efficient lights
This not only reduces the energy used, it also cuts electricity costs.


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