How Cool Is This? Anacapa School Launches Near Space Probe

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Academic Leadership//

May 24, 2012

Students at Anacapa School in California have proven that conquering the final frontier is not reserved for the big space agencies like NASA or multimillionaire Richard Branson. On May 5, members of the Anacapa Near Space Exploration Club launched two payload capsules tethered to a weather balloon—and the on-board camera broadcast its path into near space.

The craft, named Anacapa Amateur High-Altitude Balloon 2 (AAHAB-2), soared 111,814 feet above the Earth’s surface during its three-hour flight. AAHAB-1, first launch, only reached 20,000 feet.

The Anacapa team had been working on the project since September 2011. The payload included a GPS, atmospheric sensors, a Geiger counter, HD video and still cameras, and a television transmitter. Mission control received data and images on the ground during the flight.

Flight Director Alex Carlson, 18, and Genevieve Hatfield, 15, earned their amateur radio licenses which allowed the group to use specialized, higher-power, wireless equipment for the flight.

Club Adviser Levi Maaia, who handles outreach and communications for Anacapa, told Amateur Radio Newsline that two years ago, he and a student were discussing high-altitude weather balloons in the news, and the idea was launched. They then brought it to Headmaster Gordon Sichi. “He said, ‘What an awesome idea!’ and was behind us 100% as we sought funding for the project and put together a small team of students we put together for the first launch.”

ISM Senior Consultant Chip Snowden, who has worked onsite with Anacapa, said “This is one of the most exciting things I have ever heard of being done in an independent school. Anacapa makes experiences like this available to any student who wants to participate.”

For the full story, including in-flight photos and video, visit Anacapa’s Web site.

The Santa Barbara-area KEYT TV 3 covered the story.

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