How to Create a Framework That Aligns Your Marketing Messages

How to Create a Framework That Aligns Your Marketing Messages
How to Create a Framework That Aligns Your Marketing Messages


April 16, 2019

Alignment around marketing messages isn’t always easy. Your social media team might concentrate on different selling points than what the Admission Assistant used when creating a brochure, and your Development Director may discuss completely different topics with potential donors.

But your school ambassadors must be on the same page when it comes to messaging. Alignment about the education that your school provides—and what makes your school different from its competitors—strengthens everyone’s efforts.

There are three Purpose and Outcome Statements we recommend every Leadership Team create and use to guide all decisions, including how to market your school.

Purpose and Outcome Statements include:

  • Mission statement: The creed by which the school operates.
  • Portrait of the Graduate: A series of five descriptors that define a school’s mission in terms of student outcomes. These capture the core values the school strives to instill in each student.
  • Characteristics of Professional Excellence: A list of specific behaviors, values, and attitudes that mission-appropriate faculty and staff members must possess to help the school mold its intended graduates.

These three statements provide the framework that is carried through marketing efforts, including print pieces, your school website, its newsletters, and more. They are created with the input of the Marketing Office.

It can be overwhelming to know where to start when creating Purpose and Outcomes Statements, and how to execute the process effectively.

  • Who should we include?
  • What should we focus on, and what should we omit?
  • Once the statements are finished, how do we disseminate them to our faculty and staff, creating a common purpose?
  • How do we keep all decisions in line with these statements?
  • How do we maintain consistency in the weeks and months to come?

By answering these questions, you'll have a basis upon which to build your school's unique positioning. 


Additional ISM Resources:
The Source for Advancement Vol. 15 No. 8 The Importance of Creating a “Portrait of the Graduate” Statement for Your School

Additional ISM resources for members:
I&P Vol. 31 No. 5 Purpose and Outcome Statements: Capture the Essence of Your School


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