Integrated Learning Goals

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Business and Operations//

April 16, 2013

The education world has been transforming since the mid-1990s as technology came to play larger roles in the lives of us all. Learning happens from watching videos, reading articles, searching and sorting through results, playing games—and all of these learning activities can take place virtually any where. Mobile smart devices have helped change the way we manage and intercept information. For the better part of our days, we’re receiving and transmitting messages almost subconsciously; we’re always learning.

Mobile learning has found a place within traditional education. Your school may call it 21st century learning, blended learning, or even integrated learning, but regardless of what your school refers to it as, there is no denying technology has made a place for itself inside your classrooms. The time for the “should we” conversation has passed. Instead, now you might find your administration discussing “How do we make it effective,” and ”How do we manage it?”

Safety First
Parents and faculty members worry that online platforms are not monitored and can open doors to risky behaviors and conversations. Social learning management systems allow students to connect to other students and faculty members in safe environments. offers suggests ten management system solutions with reviews to help you and your administration team start researching. The most highly rated item on their list, Digital Chalk is a software program that offers not just platforms for faculty to connect to students, but also channels for your school to train faculty and staff members of new incentives, policies, and techniques.

Learning Goals
Integrated learning isn’t about passing out smart devices to your student body. Incorporating technology into your school’s mission must begin with goals in mind. Technology is powerful. Have a well-orchestrated plan before making the investment.

Not only does your school need to be supportive of its students' learning incentives, it needs to be supportive of your faculty and staff. Establish a network of learners who are willing to share ideas and who they can learn new perspectives from.

The introduction of technology has added another strain to school budgets. Schools have been creative in finding funds for new integrated learning vessels such as fund raisers, allocating text book or curriculum dollars toward smart devices, applying for grants, and even creating BYOD (bring your own device) programs. Your school’s strategic financial plan should incorporate the growing demand for technology with money allotted for replacement devices and software as technology continues to advance every few years.

Online and mobile learning platforms can be overwhelming to manage. Your administration might already be stretched thin. Social learning management systems help lift this burden. Many are constructed to simplify management and balance the workload between IT and educators.

Additional ISM articles of interest
ISM Monthly Update for Division Heads Vol. 8 No. 1 21st Century Learning: Can the Classroom Be a Game Space?
ISM Monthly Update for School Heads Vol. 9 No. 5 Checkmate … Teaching Chess to Developing Critical Thinking Skills
ISM Monthly Update for Division Heads Vol. 9 No. 2 Editorial: The 21st Century School … What Does That Even Mean?

Additional ISM articles of interest for Gold Consortium members
I&P Vol. 36 No. 16 The 21st Century School: Technology and Small Children
I&P Vol. 35 No. 5 The 21st Century School: Students
I&P Vol. 36 No. 13 The 21st Century School: 10 Myths


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