Leading by Teaching

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Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

July 3, 2012

We’d like to share with you a story about our favorite local deli guy. Why a story about a deli guy in an e-letter about human resources practices in private independent schools? Because, in addition to making great sandwiches (I’ll take a ‘Gerty’—corned beef and pastrami on rye with Russian dressing and a side of coleslaw—thanks!), he’s also one of the most natural teachers and leaders that we’ve ever observed, and therein lies the story.

Dad’s Deli (and Training Academy)

Doug, a longtime restauranteur and caterer, manages a small, local deli that has developed a loyal following. Beyond the quality of the sandwiches, this is due in no small part to the friendly, everyone-knows-your-name atmosphere (think Cheers in a deli) that starts with Doug’s greeting as you enter the door. A natural networker, Doug goes out of his way— even in the busiest rush periods—to make a connection with everyone who walks in. He’ll remember your name, where you went to school, that you have a child in youth lacrosse or on the traveling soccer team, etc., and odds are he has some connection he’d be happy to introduce you to who could help you in something you’re doing.

There’s one other thing Doug is a natural at, and that is teaching. In fact, it’s how he runs his business. Picture a busy Saturday morning: customers coming in eager for ham-and-egg-on-a-kaiser sandwiches, OJ, and coffee, while at the same time, the crew is loading trays of sandwiches, salads, and hot entrees into delivery trucks bound for the day’s catering events. Doug presides from in front of the grill, directing traffic, keeping a keen eye on quality control—and always instructing.

Whether it is showing a young assistant how to arrange a tray of sandwiches or cook eggs for six different orders at the same time, with every instruction, he’s reinforcing “here’s how to do it” with calm encouragement. That’s not to say that his guidance isn’t occasionally met with a rolling of the eyes or an “I know, Doug, I know” from his more experienced staff. The intent, though, of guidance and support is always felt (even in the moments of exasperation).

There’s one other thing that Doug-the-leader does, and that is, he seeks out growth opportunities for his crew. Example: Opening on Sunday may or may not be very profitable—but it provides his eager young clerk the chance to step up and “run his own shop” for the day, so he does it. For this, he is repaid with the loyalty of his team, and the satisfaction of knowing that he is making a difference in the lives and careers of those he comes in contact with.

Leadership Lesson

What would it do to faculty and staff engagement, enthusiasm, and morale if all school administrators managed like Doug manages—from a teaching perspective?

Additional ISM resources of interest
ISM Monthly Update for Human Resources Vol. 10 No. 1 Coaching and Mentoring Administrators
ISM Monthly Update for Human Resources Vol. 10 No. 5 Constructive Conversations, Coaching, and Mentoring
ISM Monthly Update for Human Resources Vol. 9 No. 9 Are You a Reluctant (or Unwilling) Mentor?

Additional ISM resources for Consortium Gold members
I&P Vol. 37 No. 2 A 21st Century Teacher Evaluation Model


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