A Little Bird Told Me: Tweet Strategically

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Source Newsletter for Advancement Header Image


November 17, 2011


Twitter, the microblogging site that has become a social media powerhouse, has also become a new media tool for private-independent schools. If you are tweeting now as part of your communication plan for constituents—or if you haven’t gotten into it yet—here are four tips to make your efforts highly effective.

First and foremost, social media is about engagement. When you tweet, your goal is not to just get information out, but to start a conversation. Give your followers a reason to talk back! For example, in an interview with a potential supporter, you ask open-ended questions to so you can learn more about that individuals. Same goes for Twitter. You want a response to learn more.

Second, give your followers what they want. In a recent Webinar hosted by edsocialmedia.com titled Social Media and Branding: Composing a Cohesive Tune, Rob Norman of Turnaround Marketing Communications asked, “How can I create branded content?” His answer was “give the audience what they want.” And they want information! Remember to give information that is enticing, and include links back to your Facebook page, Web site, and other areas.

Third, always try to keep the conversation open. When you include links in your tweets, it’s always a good thing to have an area where your followers can comment and SHARE. Use the social media share icons to allow them to share the link on Facebook and other social media sites as well as e-mail to others.

Finally, tweet strategically. Rob Norman says that your social media posts should reflect the intersection of what your constituents want (information) with what your school wants (awareness, conversation, feedback, etc.) AND your brand (your school’s mission, purpose, and outcomes.) Try to infuse the essence of your mission with your tweets.

Your constituents are among your most important marketing tools. According to Rob—and many other marketing experts—people will believe what your constituents say about your school more than they will believe what you say. You can use social media tools to your advantage if you use them strategically.

ISM’s recorded social media Webinars provide expert advice. Check out The Best Practices of Social Media for Today’s Private School led by social media guru Lorrie Jackson and Social Media Policies 2.0 led by Michael Brisciana.

Additional ISM articles of interest
ISM Monthly Update for Admission Officers Vol. 10, No. 1 Communicating Through Social Media
ISM Private School Vol. 10, No. 4 Social Media Disasters: Costs, Dangers, and Quagmires

For Consortium Members
To The Point Vol. 16, No. 4 Building Your School’s Social Media Campaign
To The Point Vol. 15, No. 9 Social Media Made Simple: Take an If-Then Approach


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