New Violence in the Workplace Fact Sheet Emphasizes Prevention

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Business and Operations//

November 28, 2012

This article was originally published by Security magazine. November 12, 2012.

The National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc. has released its 2013 Workplace Violence Fact Sheet, a repository of information, statistics, and charts on workplace violence presented to give Human Resources, Threat Management, Security, Risk Management, and Operational Managers current information on workplace violence.

W. Barry Nixon, Founder and Executive Director of the National Institute for Prevention of Workplace Violence, Inc. stated, “We thought the time was right to release our new fact sheet on workplace violence to ensure that those on the front line of addressing workplace violence had current information to assist them in their planning efforts. We believe that knowledge and information are the fuel that drive effective decision making and it is our intent to provide organizations of all types with a reliable source for valuable information on violence prevention.”

Preventing workplace violence is a multidisciplinary issue that most Human Resource professionals share with Security. Security Magazine recently reported that workplace violence was one of the key topics of interest in its Security 500 reports, which includes input many of the top security directors in the country.

With data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Department of Justice, National Institute of Safety and Health (NIOSH), NCCI Research and more, the 2013 Workplace Violence Fact Sheet provides a detailed look at violence in the American workplace through statistics, charts, and legal issues associated with workplace violence. This year's edition also includes an expanded section on domestic violence and the financial aspects of workplace violence.


  • Workplace homicides and other violent acts are the second leading cause of death for women at work.
  • For the first 10 years of the 21st century, an average of 558 work-related homicides occurred annually in the U.S.
  • Workplace suicides rose to an all-time high of 270 incidents in 2010.


  • There are more than half million incidents reported each year.
  • These assaults often occur most often in nursing homes, social services, hospitals, and late-night convenience stores.


  • Workplace violence costs an estimated $121 billion a year nationwide.
  • Nonfatal assaults alone result in more than 876,000 lost workdays and $16 million in lost wages.
  • Subsequent costs could include lost productivity, counseling, contract/sales losses, cleaning and refurbishing, increased insurance costs, lawsuits/settlements, and more.

“PREVENTION, OUTWEIGHS REACTION” ?Reacting to a serious incident of workplace violence is 100 times more expensive than taking proactive measures to prevent the incident from occurring. Employers may be liable for negligent hiring or retention if an incident occurs and the employer failed to take reasonable steps to prevent harm to individuals. The average settlement costs for negligence lawsuits is $1 million (and some with verdicts as high as $40 million).

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ISM Monthly Update for Risk Managers Vol. 1 No. 1 Directors & Officers Insurance

Additional ISM articles of interest for Gold Consortium members
I&P Vol. 34 No. 12 Directors and Officers Insurance: Why Your School Can't Afford To Be Without It


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