Perspectives from the HR Blogosphere

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Business and Operations//

October 20, 2011

Blogs, forums, chat rooms, listservs—the list goes on and on. These are valuable resources to find alternative opinions and information about almost anything. From HR concerns to just needing a quick laugh to fuel the rest of your day, blogs can help remind you you're not alone in the all to often chaotic world of private-independent education.

Here are a few leadership and employee development-related posts that stood out to us this month and wanted to share:

Employee Development: Just What Are You Doing With Your High-Potential Employees?
HR blogger Tim Sackett opines on the best ways to support and inspire your “high potential” faculty and staff members. A brief snippet gives you a sense of where he stands on this question: “Give them lead positions on projects, putting them in positions to communicate to senior leadership and shine, getting them into the organizational “circle of trust.”

Performance Management: Performance Appraisal: 5 Sure-Fire Ways To Fail
Performance coach Joan Henshaw uses “reverse psychology” – or, some might say, witty but all-too-accurate sarcasm – to illuminate the failings of most performance evaluation meetings. A sample: “If possible hold the meeting somewhere noisy, too hot or too cold and smelly. Be sure you can guarantee a number of interruptions and that other people can overhear your conversation. Anywhere in an open plan office should work well.”

Leadership: Measuring Great Leadership After Steve Jobs
A great deal has been written about Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, since his recent passing. Here, leadership expert Eric McNulty ponders an organization’s ability to sustain excellence after the passing of a legendary figure. To wit: “Jobs’ role as CEO and leader was to deliver short-term results, while building the conditions for long-term success. Long-term has only just begun, and the most important dynamic to track will be whether the genius of Apple was Steve Jobs, or a genius in building a company that has a collective capacity for striking innovation and discovery.” Substitute “Head” for “CEO” and “school” for “company” – and almost all points should translate directly to a school environment.

Change Management: The Power of Incremental Change Over Time
Michael Hyatt explores the nature of incremental change, and whether this is more realistic and attainable for most people than dramatic, quantum leap-type change. As he notes, “Most people underestimate this. They think they have to take massive action to achieve anything significant.” Not so, as he explains here.


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