Promoting Your Teachers', Classrooms', and School's Excellence

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Source Newsletter for Business and Operations Header Image

Business and Operations//

November 15, 2013

If your school is on the smaller side, you might find yourself extended far beyond the traditional roles and responsibilities of Business Officer. You probably take on some of the duties of the HR person, and possibly even the Facilities Manager. We hear all too often how challenging it is for CFOs to step into the HR ring with little, if any, human resource training. In fact, we’ve published books to help those multiple-hat-wearing Business Officers succeed in HR functions because we know how critical it is for schools to have compliant and confident Human Resource administration, even if budgets can’t stretch any further to accommodate another employee.

Employee acknowledgments fall into the realm of HR—but on the lighter side. As social media has become a staple in school marketing efforts, the idea of tweeting teacher accomplishments or sharing a PR article about your school’s programs to your school’s LinkedIn page might not strike you as part of your HR duties. Your social media might be managed by your Development Office or by your Admission Team. But, really, any employee recognition should fall under the HR person’s role.

You might be at the point in your career where you don’t feel social media should play a role in your daily routine—you simply don’t have time for it. Or, you might be nervous to venture online in fear of leaking information that has no place on a social site. You’re not alone. A recent study of more than 400 Human Resource professionals found that 82% don’t incorporate social media in their rewards programs. If our opinion counts, we think that’s a missed opportunity to connect your school to its community.

HR announcements need to be considered with caution. That is a given. However, most teachers and administrators who are striving above and beyond really doing amazing things in their classrooms and their roles, would love to be acknowledged. Your social media fan base follows you because they want to know what positives are unfolding on your campus. Let your followers in on all the great things your school is doing!

If you’re still not sold on bringing your personnel announcements to your social media platforms, consider sharing the idea with your Community Manager (the person in charge of managing your social media platforms.) We’re sure, even if you’re skeptical about tweeting yourself, they’ll be delighted to share news. Social media is one of the easiest ways to promote your mission. What better way to promote your mission than showcase your faculty and staff’s commitment to it?

Additional ISM articles of interest
Private School News Vol. 9 No. 5 Social Media: Weighing the Risks
ISM Monthly Update for Human Resources Vol. 11 No. 8 Social Media Policies: An Opportunity for Conversation
ISM Monthly Update for Business Managers Vol. 9 No. 7 Keeping Parents Informed on Facebook
ISM Monthly Update for School Heads Vol. 10 No. 3 Tweeting Your Brand, Engaging Your Friends

Additional ISM articles of interest for Gold Consortium members
I&P Vol. 35 No. 1 Faculty and Staff Use of Social Media: Sample Policy


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