QR Codes: Scanning That’s Good for Your School

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January 18, 2012


Since we first explored QR code scanning in 2D Barcoding: Smartphone Technology to Promote Your School last year, those little square codes have been popping up everywhere! It's a good bet that you have seen them on mailings, sale fliers, in stores, in malls, and many other places. The widespread use of the smart device (iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets, etc.) means you really have a new way to get your message to your supporters.

Chad Norman, Internet Marketing Manager for Blackbaud, noted that 14 million Americans scanned QR codes in June 2011, and there was a 4500% increase in QR code use from 2009 to 2010. He listed five reasons “scanning for good” is something you should consider for your campaigns in Scanning for Good: 5 Reasons QR Codes Are a Safe Option for Nonprofits on www.netwitsthinktank.com.

The explosion of scanning and QR code use is the first reason, obviously. It’s not just a novelty anymore. It’s safe to say that people are getting a lot of their information on their phones and their tablets.

QR coding means you have a lot of options for your message. Scanning the code can take your supporters to Web pages, YouTube videos, texts, and maps for example. You can provide a QR code that will scan directly to your “donate now” page, or provide a video that will show prospects why they should support your school. Whatever you can dream up, a QR code can lead you there.

You can also use QR coding to engage. At the 2011 HOW Design Conference, the paper company NewPage conducted an extensive QR code campaign that led conference goers back to their booth for prizes when the exhibit floor was open. There were NewPage QR codes everywhere…including on the floor. One representative said, “Well, we sell white paper. We needed to do something to generate excitement.” And they did! Their booth was often packed.

Scanners are mostly free and readily available. And 40% of US cellphone users are using smartphones—Android, Blackberry, iPhone, etc.—all with access to downloadable scanners. ISM launched its own free scanner, SwiftScan, this month, which you can download it to your smart phone.

It doesn’t cost anything to create a QR code. If you are already using bit.ly to shorten and customize links, then you have QR codes automatically generated! There are several Web sites that create QR codes for you. ISM is using www.qrstuff.com to generate QR codes for its Ideas & Perspectives advisory letter ePub.

QR codes are being used successfully in the nonprofit world, so you are not guinea-pigging the concept. For examples and more about QR codes, view the presentation that Norman and colleague Allison Nassour presented at the Blackbaud Conference for Nonprofits called Scanning for Good: How Nonprofits Can Use QR Codes.*

To learn more about online marketing, join us in Salt Lake City June 27–30 for our new workshop Online Marketing for Schools: Prospects, Constituents, and the Social Web. Information and registration.

Scanning for Good: How Nonprofits Can Use QR Codes View more presentations from Chad Norman

ISM Resources
ISM Monthly Update for Development Vol 9. No. 5 All Kinds of Thank Yous

ISM Consortium Gold Members
To The Point Vol. 16 No. 4 Building Your School’s Social Media Campaign
I&P for iPad


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