School Anniversary Milestone on the Horizon? Here’s What One School Has Done to Get Ready

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April 13, 2012

Palmer Trinity School, FL, is planning its 40th anniversary celebration and Development Officer Lauren Dowlen shared the steps the school has taken so far. This could be helpful for all our readers whose schools are facing a milestone, especially if you need a jumpstart!

Lauren reported that Palmer Trinity has undertaken the following steps:

  • Building on Past Board of Trustee/Past Booster/Past Parent Association relationships to fill in holes in their database, and asking for ideas, help with identifying photos, etc., etc.
  • Meeting to brainstorm with faculty/staff, especially the long-term members
  • Meeting with alumni who are most involved and use this as an opportunity to reach out to others who haven’t
  • Looking at the events we already produce and see which ones can be elevated to another level in honor of the anniversary/celebration
  • Meeting with their designers for special logos and visuals for next year
  • Brainstorming with parents—the especially interested ones are becoming our “Host Committee” for a big dinner/dance
  • Working with our Board Development Committee to plan for using next year as a strategic planning year, and discussing how to best cultivate/steward/solicit for major gifts

Lauren said they are not planning an auction. “We gave that up a few years ago to focus on building a culture of giving, not getting, but a big party for the anniversary is definitely welcome by parents,” she said.

Suzanne Wolfrom, Director of Finance & Development at All Saints Episcopal School, TX, said her school is beginning to plan its 60th anniversary celebration. “We celebrated our 50th by producing a memory book—really a magazine—with photos, a brief article about our history, and then we had alumni and faculty send in their fondest memories and featured several through the decades. We also hosted a parade with all of the students and the Mayor, parents and faculty. And then, we followed with a reception,” she noted. “We are thinking of producing a slick Memory Book for our 60th. And we are planning on key alumni to participate in a possible speaker series throughout the year, culminating with an event.”

The Web site also has a list of suggestions to consider to commemorate the big year, including a timeline celebration, an artistic celebration, and a parade celebration. Another idea they offer is to produce a documentary about your school.

“The film should be short enough to keep everyone’s attention, but intriguing enough to inspire students and staff,” writes Tamiya King, eHow contributor. She suggests you contact as many former students as possible, especially those who were at the school in the first year or so—or the oldest class possible.

You can read the article here.

Has your school gone through an anniversary? We’d love to hear what was successful, and even some things that were not. Let us know at

Additional ISM resources of interest

ISM Monthly Update for Development Vol. 9 No. 2 The Perils of ‘Requiring’ Employees to ‘Volunteer’ for After-Hours Events
ISM Web site Is Our Team Ready for the Fund-raising Challenges Ahead?
ISM Monthly Update for Development Vol. 7 No. 10 Cultivation Now Reaps Rewards Later

Additional resources for ISM Consortium Gold Members
To The Point Vol. 7 No. 4 Tap the Hidden Potential in the Common, Everyday Bulletin Board
To The Point Vol. 14 No. 5 The Circle of Influence as a Fund-Raising Tool
To The Point Vol. 16 No. 7 Grandparents Day Builds Bonds With Key Supporters


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