Spring Cleaning Safety Tips

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Business and Operations//

February 28, 2012

Spring is right around the corner, and for those who aren’t fans of winter, it can’t come quick enough. Spring flowers, warmer temperatures, more sunlight, and happy bird songs are enough to motivate most us to start cleaning away the winter dust. But before you jump into a large spring-cleaning project, consider these safety tips.

Use caution when lifting. Reorganizing your home or office is a great way to revive your space without a major overhaul or expensive remodeling. However, lifting and moving large, heavy objects should be done with care. Remember proper lifting technique—keeping your back straight and lift with your legs—and, if you feel as though something is just to heavy for you, ask for assistance. It’s also a good idea to wear proper footwear to protect your toes from those large objects from potentially crushing them.

Don’t clutter stairs and important escape routes with boxes and other “stuff”. In case of an emergency, stairs and escape routes need to be free of hazardous objects. Don’t block important walkways with furniture or boxes so in the event you need to make a quick escape, you can do so without tripping or being trapped.

Don’t mix chemicals! This may seem like common sense, but every year there are reports of emergency hospitalizations and even deaths, caused by people mixing cleaning products together that release extremely dangerous gases with deadly results. Make sure to read all labels and avoid combining cleaners.

Don’t leave chemicals unattended. Unattended chemicals can end up in the hands of children and become a huge liability for your school. At home, the same rule applies. Unattended chemicals in the home can be disturbed by animals and small children and quickly become an emergency situation.

Have the poison control center’s number handy. This is just a smart practice for any time of the year. Know where your emergency contact numbers are, and check to make sure they are up to date.

Properly ventilate areas where you’re using harsh chemicals. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by chemical fumes. Make sure you have enough ventilation so you’re safe from sudden chemical sickness.

For more helpful tips visit kleinsdki.com

Additional ISM resources of interest:
ISM Monthly Update for Admission Officers Vol. 9 No. 7 Combating Spring Allergies
ISM Monthly Update for Risk Managers Vol. 2 No. 1 Mold Risks


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