Three Ways to Set Your Assistant Head Up for Success

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School Heads//

May 3, 2018

If your school employs an Assistant Head, it may be tempting to think of this position as a “catch all” for everything on your plate that you can’t or don’t have the time to accomplish. This shouldn't be the case, though.

The Assistant Head position should be designed to enhance your school’s operations. This role must be structured effectively to ensure it complements your duties as School Head. Follow these guidelines for setting your Assistant Head up for success.

Assign Specific Duties

The particulars of the Assistant Head’s position will vary widely from school to school. The key is to assign specific middle-management tasks to this administrator and clearly spell out these duties to all school constituencies. Define this person's level and scope of authority to avoid confusion and overlap with other positions.

Define a Process for Responsibility

The Assistant Head takes on School Head-level authority only when the Head is absent. To avoid confusion at a pivotal time, define when and how this transfer of authority will take place. Develop a communication process that informs all constituencies about the change. When the Assistant Head assumes the authority of the Head, the Assistant Head is expected to call on others to maintain the normal administrative functions of the school.

Work Together Effectively

An Assistant Head can help alleviate some of your stress by taking on specific tasks, leading certain initiatives, and acting as your voice when you aren’t available. But don’t let yourself become cut off from what’s happening with your Leadership Team and within your school. Continue weekly or monthly meetings with your Leadership Team. Stay an active presence in the hallways, at meal times, and during assemblies. Set up frequent meetings with your Assistant Head for updates on what you’re each handling so you can work together as an efficient team.

The Assistant Head is a strong support for the School Head. Properly define your Assistant Head’s duties and provide quality training to enhance the overall effectiveness of your Leadership Team.

The Assistant Headship

Additional ISM Resources:
The Source for School Heads Vol. 16 No. 1 Six Tips for Setting Your Leadership Team Up for Success
The Source for Academic Leadership Vol. 8 No. 6 Delegation Helps You Develop Leaders—and Use Your Time Wisely

Additional Resources for ISM Members:
I&P Vol. 28 No. 15 The Role of the Academic Management Team
I&P Vol. 31 No. 2 Management and Leadership Training for Academic Administrators (Part One)
I&P Vol. 31 No. 4 Management and Leadership Training for Academic Administrators (Part Two)


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