Tips From the ISM Development e-List

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Source Newsletter for Advancement Header Image


January 18, 2012


E-mailing for Pledges

Katie Gilman, Director of Development at Veritas School (VA), asked for samples for an e-mail appeal that would help her bring in those last gifts to bring the school up to 100% participation.

One participant shared an e-mail solicitation written by a former colleague, at an independent school. “It was very effective,” the participant said.

“Dear Alumni,
Our Annual Fund is drawing to a close with only 7 days left. Thanks to many alumni we have received 117 gifts towards our goal of 140 gifts from Alumni. Would you help us reach this goal by making a $20 gift toward the Annual Fund? You may think that $20 is not significant. However, I recently ran a report that showed all of our donations received from $20–$100 and the total was over $28,000! This is more than one year’s tuition that would support our families on Financial Aid! Please make a gift online here (insert giving online link) and help support our school, our students, and our mission.
With kind regards,
Annual Fund Director”

“In most of my e-mails to families, I include a link to a video that we produce in-house and it always features the kids,” said Jodi Guillemette, Development Director at Wichita Collegiate School (KS). “The last one I did featured kids on the playground and in the classrooms, saying ‘Thank you Annual Fund.’ In between shots of the kids, we had short captions about the fund and what it does and how it helps. It was also set to music, and was very effective.”

Network for Good, an online fund raising and marketing conduit for nonprofits, is offering a free publication, The Nonprofit Email Marketing Guide: 7 Steps to Better Email Fundraising & Communications, which you can download here. Their Web site’s Learning Center features such areas as Email 101, Web Site 101, and Social Networking.

Surveying for Feedback

Vickie Floyd, Director of Development at Eagle’s Landing Christian Academy (GA), wondered if anyone had included any annual giving questions on parent surveys.

“Many years ago, back in the earlier days at St. Stephen’s School, we did such a survey and got an interesting answer,” said Herb Soles, Assistant Head for Development at Norfolk Academy (VA) and ISM Adjunct Consultant. “ An alumnus said he had not given a gift because no one had ever asked him. He could not understand why we hadn’t because his college had asked him many times. We put a proposal together quickly and he gave us a six-figure gift!”

Another ISM adjunct also offered a suggestion. L.J. Mitchell, Director of Development at Mary McDowell Friends School (NY), said, “I have not done such a survey, but one idea is to ask parents to identify or rank areas that they would be interested in supporting. This could assist a school when setting up a family of funds.”

Do you have any ideas to share? Please let us know! Post to our Facebook page or e-mail us at

Additional ISM resources of interest
ISM Listserv for Advancement Professionals
ISM Private School News Vol. 9 No. 11, Find Out What They Think Before They Leave the School
ISM Surveys: Current Parent, Current Student, Attrition, Applicant, Alumni, Faculty/Administration

ISM Resources for Consortium Gold Members
Ideas & Perspectives Vol. 35 No. 3 The Growing Importance of Technology in Parent Communications
Ideas & Perspectives Vol. 28 No. 7 Recognize the Marketing Opportunities of Parent Surveys


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