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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Six Reasons Why Your School Needs a Cyber Insurance Policy

Business and Operations // May 2, 2021

Cyberattacks on schools are on the rise; last year, they went up 18%. Having a dedicated Information Technology (IT) team and preventive tools aren’t enough to protect your institution. A cyberattack could still occur, leaving your school’s private data, finances, and equipment—not to mention information about your students and your families—at risk.

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Why It's Critical to Measure Student Self-Efficacy

Academic Leadership // May 2, 2021

Every school must create a mission statement—what it hopes to achieve as an institution and how it plans to shape future generations. Mission statements vary from preparing students for college and the workforce to creating well-rounded and curious citizens and learners. There are indicators of success that typically involve test scores, graduation rates, Admission rates, GPAs, and similar metrics.

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Responding to a Cyberattack: A School Guide

Business and Operations // April 25, 2021

The rate of cyberattacks are on the rise, and schools are not excluded from the target list. According to a 2021 report, schools had 408 publicly disclosed attacks last year—that’s up from 348 in 2019. As we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, schools need to ensure they can keep ahead of the ever-ev...

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7 Tips to Help Athletes Create Connections With College Recruiters During COVID-19

School Leadership // April 25, 2021

The pandemic abruptly halted many things, but college sports recruiting wasn’t one of them. You may feel overwhelmed by all the changes in recruiting rules—perhaps you feel there’s not much you can do [in the college recruiting process] for your graduating athletes—but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Opportunities haven’t disappeared, they’ve just changed form. We are here to help you navigate the new rules of the college recruiting game, 2021 style.

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If Spreadsheets and Budgets Leave You Frustrated … This One's for You

Business and Operations // April 25, 2021

Even before the pandemic reared its very ugly head, private schools were facing worrisome data trends. Over the past two decades, enrollment numbers have remained flat. It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day operations and not look beyond the next Board meeting or financial report. But it’s vital to keep the long-term picture in mind.

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Five Ways to Make a Big Deal About Student Acceptances at Your School

Enrollment Management // April 18, 2021

Your congratulatory letter to students who have been accepted to attend your school probably sounds similar. A letter is an excellent way to document acceptance. But what happens after students take you up on your offer? Sometimes, nothing. And it's a missed opportunity to do so many things that can benefit your organization.

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Ten Ways to Reduce the Risk of a Cyberattack on Your School

Business and Operations // April 18, 2021

Cyberattacks are expected to occur every 11 seconds in 2021—and unfortunately, K–12 schools are increasingly at risk, thanks to distance learning Some of the biggest threats are ransomware and funds transfer fraud. Threats commonly occur via the entry point of email, also known as "business email compromise."

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Understanding Gen Z and How to Help Them Succeed

Academic Leadership // April 18, 2021

Gaining a better understanding of the way your students have been raised and the world they live in is critical to connecting with them and educating effectively. With a grasp on their background and perspective, you can improve their engagement and academic success—not to mention generating accolades for your school.

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