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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Why the Well-Being of the School Head Matters

School Heads // February 1, 2018

Research proves that the well-being of the School Head can have a profound impact on the school. ISM recently conducted an investigation into how the well-being of the School Head truly impacts school outcomes, including faculty culture, student enrollment, and the Head’s own long-term success.

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Should You Re-enroll Students Who Owe Tuition?

School Heads // February 1, 2018

A student is behind on tuition, but his or her family has promised to pay the remaining amount. When contracts for the following year are sent, that student commits to re-enrollment. Now the school needs to make a choice—do you re-enroll a student who owes tuition from a previous term?

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5 Ways to Start Your Morning on the Right Foot

Private School News // January 30, 2018

For most of us, January mornings are cold, dark, and downright hard. But using your morning effectively can be a great way to center yourself for the day ahead, ensuring you can give your best to your job and family. Read on for five ways to start your morning on the right foot.

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School Spotlight: The Westfield School Experiences 10% Enrollment Growth After a 10-Year Decline

Private School News // January 30, 2018

Many factors impact enrollment: student experience, family perceptions, community involvement, and much more. But, as any School Head or Advancement Director will tell you, the issues of enrollment and re-enrollment drive many conversations and are a top focus for most of the Leadership Team. The Westfield School, a coed day school in Perry, GA, that serves more than 540 pre-K through 12th grade students, was no exception. However, School Head William Carroll and his team had identified a troubling trend—enrollment had slowly declined for the past 10 years. The Westfield School knew it was time to make a change.

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Closing the Risk Gap for Sexual Misconduct

Private School News // January 30, 2018

Accidents happen no matter how prepared your campus, faculty and staff, and students are. Sometimes bad things happen despite our efforts to prevent them. However, when the risks are culture-related, such as instances of sexual misconduct, there are many policies schools can implement to change those behaviors.

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Parent Involvement and ‘Stage-Setting’

Board of Trustees // January 24, 2018

It’s no surprise that research supports the notion that students fare better in school when their parents are involved in their education. However, what does “parent involvement” mean?

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Why You Can’t Afford to Be Without D&O Insurance

Board of Trustees // January 24, 2018

Directors & Officers insurance (also known as School Legal or Trustee Liability insurance) may be the most critical insurance and protection for your school. Damages sought under D&O insurance can range anywhere from a nuisance claim to one seeking millions of dollars in compensation. This may include a request for punitive damages if the action in question is considered egregious enough—especially if the school knew of a wrong action that was occurring and did nothing to stop it.

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How to Create Job Descriptions to Attract Great New Teachers

Academic Leadership // January 22, 2018

Hiring can be one of the most time-consuming and nerve-wracking aspects of your job as an academic leader. The first step in a successful hiring process is creating a comprehensive job description that attracts the right applicants. Craft a job description that accurately portrays an open role’s expected responsibilities, education level, and characteristics. Also focus on what sets your school apart from others in the marketplace to ensure you find the right person to fill each position.

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Why Positivity Matters in Your School

Academic Leadership // January 22, 2018

Academic leaders are tasked with creating school systems that support teachers and help students succeed. ISM’s research indicates that cultivating a positive atmosphere—one where faculty members provide a predictive and supportive environment—is essential to making student success a reality.

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The Information Parents Value Most

Advancement // January 17, 2018

The Marketing and Communications Office is a driving force in providing information about your school to parents. But how do parents prefer to receive this information?

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