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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Three Steps for Successfully Turning an Inquiry Into a Campus Visit

Advancement // January 17, 2018

Parents often contact multiple private-independent schools when choosing where to send their child. Parents can make an inquiry to your school by phone, via email, through your website, or by way of social media. Your job as a member of the Admission Office is to turn that inquiry into a campus visit, where you can show your school in action.

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Preparing Your School for Cybersecurity Threats

Business and Operations // January 9, 2018

Is your school prepared to withstand a cybersecurity threat? A new study from the Consortium for School Networking and the Education Week Research Center shows that many schools aren’t.

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The Essential Role of the Business Manager at Your School

Business and Operations // January 9, 2018

An efficient and effective Business Office is critical to your school’s success. Whether you’re a new Business Manager yourself, or you’re a school leader looking to add or refine this position within your organizational structure, here are some recommendations for the responsibilities of the Business Manager in a private-independent school.

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Creating a Successful Advisory Program

School Heads // January 8, 2018

A key attribute of a private-independent school education is the presence of an advisory program. Families value the one-on-one attention and mentoring their child receives, providing them with the academic guidance, character education, and personal development advice they need to excel within your school. Here are some tips for creating a successful advisory program to benefit students, families, and faculty.

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How to Announce a New Strategic Financial Plan

School Heads // January 8, 2018

The holiday season is behind us, a new year is beginning, and you have big tasks on the horizon. Chances are your team is in the final stages of completing next year’s financial plan. It’s now your job to orchestrate announcing next year’s plans—along with any accompanying changes to tuition and fees—to the school community. It can be difficult to share this news, and you may wonder about the best way to approach this announcement.

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Why Senior Citizens Are a Vital Addition to Your Volunteer Pool

Private School News // December 21, 2017

The holiday season is a joyous time, filled with friends, family, and giving. But, come January, many of us fall into our normal routine and there can be less focus on community. One group that can feel this shift are local senior citizens. As you review your initiatives for the new year, consider whether you could enlist this group to be part of your school’s volunteer team.

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These Jobs Are on the Rise in the U.S.—Will Your Students Be Prepared?

Private School News // December 21, 2017

Your school aims to give students the skills they need to flourish, eventually allowing them to find success in the professional world. But the professional world is changing as new fields and job categories emerge. How can you best prepare students to flourish in tomorrow’s job market?

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Be a Healthier You in 2018

Private School News // December 21, 2017

A new year signals that it’s time to list your resolutions for the coming months. However, approximately 80% of resolutions are abandoned by the second week of February, according to U.S. News. Don’t give up on yourself this year. Make resolutions for a healthier you that are obtainable and will make a positive impact on your life for 2018 and beyond.

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What to Do in Cases of Ex Officio Membership

Board of Trustees // December 19, 2017

Many Boards have ex officio members—that is, Trustees who hold a position on the Board based on their office within or outside a school. Thus the “term” served is dependent on the years spent in such offices.

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Have You Fully Addressed Bullying at Your School?

Board of Trustees // December 19, 2017

Bullying, in its many forms, has been a persistent problem in many schools. And, in private schools in particular, this is an immense concern to parents and students. Parents choose to send their children to your school in part because they consider your community safer than the public alternatives. Still, bullying can occur anytime, anywhere—and occasionally, despite your best efforts to educate.

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