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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

10 Reasons You Were Meant to Teach

Academic Leadership // October 25, 2016

The first months of a school year can be rough, as everyone re-adjusts to more regular sleep schedules and greater expectations. Sometimes, you just need a reminder why you bothered to begin this career path in the first place—and we can help you there.

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10 Reasons You Were Meant to Be in Advancement

Advancement // October 21, 2016

Do you remember your first day on the job? That moment when you were scared and excited and thrilled all at once at the possibilities that struck you? That moment of inspiration may fade as the realities of a tough job take root, but don’t worry—we’re here to help remind you why you chose this job in the first place.

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4 Ways to Encourage Sensitive Faculty Solicitation

Advancement // October 21, 2016

We all understand and appreciate the importance of faculty participation in the overall effectiveness a school’s various fundraisers and capital campaigns. It serves as a signal to other donors that the teachers believe so much in the school’s educational work that they’re willing to sacrifice their time and money to ensure it continues. However, faculty solicitation requires a delicate touch. So this month, we’ll talk about four ways in which to sensitively ask your teachers and other staff members to contribute.

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9 Items New Business Managers Should Keep in Mind

Business and Operations // September 27, 2016

Is this your first year at a private-independent school as a brand-new Business Manager? Are you feeling overwhelmed with the start of the school year? To help you get the jump on things and stay focused on your job, here are nine items to keep in mind in your first few months in your new position. (In fact, even seasoned Business Managers would do well to keep these thoughts forefront in their minds!)

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Ask ISM's Health Care Reform Specialist

Business and Operations // September 27, 2016

Q. As I began preparing paperwork for the new school year, I noticed that our school has two employees who will be turning 65—and so become newly eligible for Medicare. Is there anything that the school needs to do?

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5 Strategic Planning Detours You Must Avoid

Board of Trustees // September 27, 2016

When in the process of strategic planning for your school, you want to continue the favorable growth of your school. In conducting this session, however, don’t allow the momentum of understandably favorable feelings to sidetrack your process from a truly strategic path.

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Don’t Let Your D&O Lapse!

Board of Trustees // September 27, 2016

Although private-independent schools rarely lack D&O insurance, it is prudent to be aware of your insurance’s cost, limits of coverage, policy specifics, retroactive date and exclusions—and, of course, its renewal deadline.

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Setting Up An Effective Mentor Program

Business and Operations // September 27, 2016

With the start of a fresh school year comes the opportunity to incorporate new programs and incentives for your faculty and staff. If your culture doesn’t already incorporate a mentoring program, we strongly encourage you take advantage of the new academic year to instill one. The benefits greatly outweigh the pains of initiation.

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Announcing a Tuition Increase: Write a Benefit-Based Letter

School Heads // September 21, 2016

Typically, those involved in setting and announcing tuitions fear that parents will complain and rebel at any increase. Will you lose families? Will there be angry telephone calls and demands for meetings? Will there be negative feedback on social media? You need not worry if you plan your announcement in a way that highlights your reasonable cause for raising tuition—the benefits for the students.

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4 Tips for Monitoring Your School’s Messages

School Heads // September 21, 2016

Paid advertising, social media sites, newsletters (emailed or printed), admission packets, banners hung around campus, posters throughout your hallways, your marquee—all of these are just a few examples of how your school communicates with its families and community as a whole. Your school’s story—what truly makes your school special—should be incorporated into most, if not all, of your school’s communications.

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