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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Five Proven Strategies for Successful Auxiliary Programs

Business and Operations // April 22, 2022

Worries about rising tuition and changing demographics resulting in fewer potential students have led more independent schools to consider auxiliary programs as a viable way to boost revenue and admission efforts. Leading auxiliary programs are both visionary and entrepreneurial.

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Board Cultivation Is the Key to Long-Term Financial Stability

Fundraising // April 1, 2022

Your Board members and their involvement in your fundraising operation—as both donors and volunteers—are key to your program’s long-term stability. Your Trustees provide foundational support of your annual fund, your events, and your capital campaigns, not only while they serve but also as Board alu...

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Lunch and Recess Time Crunch: How Does This Impact Your Students?

School Health and Wellness // April 1, 2022

School lunch is critical to student health and well-being and learning readiness. Lunchtime bolsters students with the nutrition they need to get through the day and learn to the best of their abilities. But most children are not given enough time to eat their lunch at school. As an independent s...

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Playground Drama: How to Build Resilience Through Conflict Resolution

School Health and Wellness // April 1, 2022

Resilience—the ability of an individual or a community to withstand, to adapt, and to recover quickly from stress and shock—is a dynamic and developmental process that strengthens over time, and is shaped and built by social determinants—including experiences, opportunities, and relationships—that d...

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Four Tips to Be a Holistically Healthy You

School Health and Wellness // March 17, 2022

No matter how hard you try, working toward your health goals almost always proves to be difficult—increasing your chances of giving up. One reason is that your health goals rarely address overall well-being and instead focus on one area, like weight loss or being on social media less.

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The Fundraising Ask: What If Your Prospects Say “No”?

Fundraising // March 17, 2022

You’ve done all your research on a potential donor, found the perfect solicitors, completed a series of relationship-building efforts. Additionally, at the appropriate time, your “closer” made what you all thought was the perfect ask for support. But the answer was an unexpected version of “no”.

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Now That You’ve Hired Great People, Offer Them Great Pre-Onboarding

School Leadership // March 17, 2022

For most schools, the onboarding process typically starts during teacher and staff orientation. Has your school considered the “pre-onboarding” phase of hiring? Research suggests this process engages new hires during the uncertain phase from acceptance until their first day on the job.

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Teacher Turnover Rates Are Increasing—Will Your School Survive?

School Heads // March 4, 2022

Teacher retention and turnover have been conversation topics for decades. Since the 2020 school year, however, teachers are experiencing and adapting to unprecedented instruction methods, in addition to personal and global health concerns. Stress and burnout levels are high in the education profession, raising concerns about increases in teacher turnover and shortages.

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