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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Exercise Your Mind

Private School News // August 31, 2011

Exercising your mind is as important as exercising your body. You might think that, since work keeps you going a million miles an hour five days a week, that you’re getting all the mental fitness you need. But, that’s not the trick to exercising your mind. The real trick to keeping your mind focused and healthy is to learn something new every day.

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Keeping Communications Open and Flowing in Your School

Private School News // August 31, 2011

It’s a new school year and a fresh start to tackling one of any organization's largest issues—communication. Communication concerns seem to never find absolute resolution. There are always news tactics and policies that seem to assist in keeping the channels of communication open for a bit, but as time passes there it is again—communication troubles popping up on employee evaluation forms, in suggestion boxes, and on the tails of the gossip comet.

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BYOT: Cell Phones Approved For Classrooms

Private School News // July 28, 2011

On the first day of school students are required to bring pencils, pens, paper … and their cell phone? Some schools are experimenting with “bring your own technology” (BYOT) policies. Research concluded in April 2010, by the Pew Research Center indicated that 75% of students, aged 12-17, own a cell phone or smart phone. The logic behind BYOT policies is simple—if students already own some sort of smart device, allow them to drive the speed in which technology is updated, saving the school precious dollars on IT support and demand.

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Why People “Like” Facebook Pages

Private School News // July 28, 2011

There’s no denying it, social media has made a place for itself in today's marketing plans. Facebook is among the leaders, and understanding why people fan Facebook pages can help your school develop its social media strategies.

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Cyberbullies Need Protection, Too

Private School News // July 28, 2011

Protect a bully? That’s ridiculous! Although it seems counterproductive to protect someone who threatens and abuses others, yes, even bullies need protection. Bullies, both online and in the schoolyard, often act on spontaneous compulsions without thinking about the effects of their actions. Let’s be honest, not all bullies are intentionally trying to harm someone. And, those who are intentionally seeking to harm another often act on emotional impulse without having the proper coping skills to handle the situation responsibly. As you know, not all bullies are bad kids, just momentarily misdirected.

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Sustainable Lunch Programs

Business and Operations // July 18, 2011

On the ISM Business Manager listserv last month, a few subscribers shared thoughts about sustainable lunch programs. This healthy trend is starting to pick up momentum, and so for all our readers who are equally curious about how to add local food alternatives to their lunch menu without stretching their budgets into the red, we’ve done some research for you.

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Green Corner

Business and Operations // July 18, 2011

This month’s green tips come from a high school student, Teniola Ayoola, in Bowie, Maryland. Her article published as “Student Shares Five Hot Green Summer Tips” on lists five summer green tips from an ecofriendly way to charge your cell phone to saving energy by reducing your AC use.

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A Protocol and Script For Calling “911”

Business and Operations // July 7, 2011

The idea of having to dial 911 is not a pleasant one. No one wants an emergency on campus, and certainly no one wants an emergency to happen without proper protocol in place. But, what is proper protocol?

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Summer Safety Tips for Parents and Summer Program Leaders

Business and Operations // July 7, 2011

Summer is the season of exploration. But it’s also one of the most dangerous times of the year for youth. Swimming accidents, outdoor mishaps, and neighborhood bullies are all concerns parents and summer program leaders should be reminded of as the season continues to roll toward the new school year. Many of these are simple, quick tips that could save a life.

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