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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Keep Your Professional Development Initiatives Fresh This Summer

Private School News // June 2, 2017

Professional development should be an ongoing focus for every private-independent school. It’s a core ISM philosophy that quality, career-long professional development for faculty and staff directly correlates to higher levels of student engagement, satisfaction, and performance. There are always new things to learn, different methods to try, and gains to be made from personal reflection.

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3 Ways to Ensure Responsible Drone Usage

Private School News // June 2, 2017

Every new technological development comes with potential risks, and recent advances in drone science are no exception. While drones certainly have the ability to enrich the classroom experience, there are safety risks and etiquette steps to keep in mind at your school.

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What Benefits Employees REALLY Want

Private School News // June 2, 2017

Attracting and retaining the brightest, mission-appropriate talent at your private-independent school is no simple task. As a School Head or administrator, you know all too well that, when the conversation turns to employee benefits, negotiations can heat up a notch. More than competitive salaries, today’s educators look for work/life balance benefits—flexibility, paid leave, and enriching professional development opportunities. For some schools, this means a complete benefits overhaul that transforms dated employee handbooks and benefit packages to meet the needs of today’s workers.

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Retaining Millennials

School Heads // May 17, 2017

Millennials are now the largest generation in the U.S. workforce, superseding Gen Xers and the rapidly retiring Boomers. The Internet has been trying to prepare us for this moment for years, publishing article after article about adapting the workplace for Millennials. It was hard to know what to listen to and what to shrug off. After all, this was a generation still in high school and college, how could they know what they want in a workplace—they hadn’t experienced it yet. However, the moment has arrive—now we must listen to this generation’s differing needs or we will find ourselves with extremely low employee retention.

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Reducing Risk When Hiring Vendors and Contractors

Business and Operations // May 17, 2017

Summer is rapidly approaching, which usually offers a slightly slower pace around campus. With students enjoying their summer break, most schools take advantage of the opportunity to renovate, expand facilities, and make changes to the campus that during the school year would be more difficult to schedule. Renovations usually entail the use of vendors and contractors—exposing your school to risks associated with contractual workers.

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Three Basic Questions Head Candidates Should Ask About the Planning Document

School Heads // May 17, 2017

Most School Head candidates familiarize themselves with a prospective school’s history and general prospects. They typically review various advancement and marketing materials, the website, and social media efforts. They may even seek constituencies’ viewpoints on issues, goals, and opportunities that may impact the next headship.

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Designing and Maintaining Safe Playgrounds

Business and Operations // May 17, 2017

When considering playground equipment and layout, you should keep in mind three different age groups—infants and toddlers under two, two- to five-year-olds (preschoolers), and five- to 12-year-olds (school-age kids). Different-age children will use different playground equipment, and you will need to design your outdoor play area with all of their developmental needs in mind

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Three Fundraising Apps Worth Checking Out

Advancement // May 9, 2017

Today’s world moves fast. How we reach donors, capture their attention, pique their interests enough so they support our causes, and make our cause accessible to them is constantly changing. Technology has reshaped the way we access and manage a good portion of our daily lives, and certainly that includes the way we manage fundraising. These apps could be the answer your looking for in your campaigns.

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Planning a Grandparents Day to Bond With These Key Supporters

Advancement // May 9, 2017

Many schools show their appreciation through an annual Grandparents Day—often expanded to Grandparents and Special Friends Day so all students can invite someone who is important in their lives. This can be one of the most important —and enjoyable—days of the year. In some instances, school leaders report, it’s so special that grandparents travel hundreds of miles to attend. Perhaps you’re considering adding this event to your school’s calendar, or updating your current Grandparents Day.

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Your School's Stories on Instagram

Private School News // April 28, 2017

Your school’s story is what makes your school unique. It’s what attracts families, strengthens retention, and unites your community. How you tell your school’s story is critical to how it’s received—and its success. And, how you communicate your story, via social media sites, video, pictures, statistics, testimonials, prose, school newsletter, Head blog, website, etc., is part of the puzzle of how you tell your story.

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