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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Stretch Your Technology Hands

Private School News // April 28, 2017

If you use a smart phone, a trackpad on a laptop, or a computer mouse—(and, let’s be honest, of course you use at least one of those things, if not all of them, daily)—you could be developing Technology Hand.

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The Importance of Faculty Collaborative Time

Private School News // April 28, 2017

A teacher at a private school typically devotes most of the day to instruction, with almost no time for collaborating with other teachers, mutually planning lessons, or even reflecting on their practices. Professional isolation is a significant issue in many of our classrooms.

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Yet More Growth in the Charter School Population

Board of Trustees // April 11, 2017

The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools supports and lobbies for charter schools at the state and federal levels. The organization’s latest annual report indicates that more than three million students now attend public charter schools. That’s nearly three times the student population of a decade ago. There are now more than 6,900 charter schools in the United States. Clearly there has been demonstrated growth in that sector.

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Foster Board Objectivity—Avoid Subjectivity

Board of Trustees // April 11, 2017

Trustees are human beings, and from a strategic viewpoint, human nature can impede or disrupt a Board’s key functions. One term that captures much of this problematic dimension of human nature is subjectivity. For Board members, subjectivity may lead to an overlying personalized way of seeing organizational purpose, envisioning the school’s future, and determining planning priorities. Subjectivity can easily undermine the strategic thinking needed to preserve school mission, ensure organizational stability, and lead a school into the future. Increases in tension or anxiety on the Board may contribute to increased subjectivity.

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Your School’s Newsletter: Is It Informational or Considered Junk Mail?

Advancement // March 31, 2017

Regardless of whether your school sends out an electronic or printed newsletter, if it’s not perceived as informational and relevant, it may be seen as just another piece of junk mail. And, if your families, faculty, and staff aren’t reading it, then they’re missing what you’re trying to share with them.

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Facebook Ads Strengthen Your School’s Story

Advancement // March 31, 2017

Facebook is the go-to social media outlet for sharing your messages, offers, and events with your community. The once free social giant has changed its algorithm several times over the years, making communications more challenging for companies and losing some of it’s support along the way. However, it remains at the top of the pyramid for social advertising strategies, so we are forced to reignite our love for its capabilities.

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The True Benefits of Preschool

Academic Leadership // March 29, 2017

Perhaps your school has a preschool, or is thinking about adding one. Perhaps you see preschool as a doorway into full enrollment at your school. But is it worth it? In short, does it meet the needs of your families, your students, and your school’s mission? Academic leaders, parents, and researchers believe a quality preschool program improves skills like simple math and phonics, and prepares children for the social and emotional behaviors as they enter kindergarten and elementary school. For example, a study in Virginia last year, including more than 20,000 students in a government-funded preschool program, indicated that children in the system showed great improvements in alphabet recognition. But do the benefits of preschool extend into student experience in later schooling?

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How Parents of Disabled Children Can Maximize IEP Meetings

Academic Leadership // March 29, 2017

Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings are the most important conversations parents can have with faculty and staff. These mandatory meetings for families with disabled children outline their child’s educational future in regard to how your curriculum impacts their growth.

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Print Books Are Not Dinosaurs … Yet

Private School News // March 27, 2017

For the past few years, digital devices and e-books have gained great popularity in schools and homes—and most school-age children have access to the technology. Smartphones and iPads proliferate in many of our schools. Many educators believe that print books will soon become obsolete—or at least decrease in use—as children mature in a world ruled by technology.

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Religious Exemptions for Mandatory Vaccines

Private School News // March 27, 2017

Thankfully flu season is behind us for the 2017 season. However, a new ruling from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) concerning mandatory vaccinations is keeping vaccines in our risk-planning minds. In fact, this ruling might justify an early update to your employee handbooks.

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