5 Ways to Start Your Morning on the Right Foot

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January 30, 2018

For many of us, January mornings are cold, dark, and downright tough. The alarm is jarring, there are lunches and snacks to prepare, and a frantic pace is necessary to get everyone where they need to be on time. Then it’s off to school with its own hustle and bustle of activity from students, teachers, and fellow administrators.

Using your morning effectively can be a great way to center yourself for the day ahead, ensuring you can give your best to your job and your family. Read on for five ways to start your morning on the right foot.

Clear your mind.

You may be tempted to review your to-do list the moment you open your eyes. Resist the urge to start filling your mind before taking a moment to clear your head. Breathe in, breathe out, and relax.

Set manageable goals.

Once you’ve cleared your mind, choose three things you want to accomplish that day. They should be attainable goals that you feel confident you can check off by the time you go to bed. Maybe you want to put the finishing touches on a work project, get 30 minutes of activity in, and pay a compliment to your significant other. Whatever you decide to do, set out to accomplish these tasks over the course of the day.

Express gratitude.

Once you’ve set your goals, also take a moment to reflect on three things for which you are grateful. Expressing gratitude for people, events, opportunities, or anything else that brings you joy can set the mood for your day.

Get some physical activity.

There have been many articles written about how highly successful people structure their mornings. Almost all incorporate some kind of physical activity into their routines. Many credit it with clearing their minds and helping them aproach their day from a peaceful place. Whether you decide to hit the gym, go for a walk, or do 10 minutes of yoga in your bedroom, get moving to prepare your brain and your body for the day ahead.

Eat a good breakfast.

You’ve heard it before, but studies continue to promote the importance of eating a healthy breakfast. This supports your metabolism, is helpful in maintaining a healthy body weight, and helps prevent issues like high blood pressure and cholesterol. A healthy breakfast can include some combination of lean protein, whole-grain carbohydrates, healthy fat, and fresh fruit, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

Starting your day on the right foot can have lasting benefits for you, your family, your colleagues, and your school. Follow these tips to have a positive and productive morning, preparing you for the rest of the day.

Additional ISM resources:
The Source for Private School News Vol. 10 No. 6 Exercise Your Mind
The Source for Business and Operations Vol. 8 No. 8 How to Get the Most Out of Your Mornings

Additional ISM resources for Gold members:
I&P Vol. 42 No. 12 Primary Drivers of School Outcomes: Insights From Our Executive Leadership and Well-Being Study


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