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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Must-Reads for Development Directors in 2014

Advancement // January 23, 2014

The winter holidays have come and gone, but there’s no reason we can’t continue celebrating the new year with a renewed commitment to personal development! More so than many offices in a private-independent school, the Development Office must maintain a presence in the community and in the other divisions of the school. With that balance in mind, we have collected a few books for your consideration and perusal.

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Must-Reads for Division Heads in 2014

Academic Leadership // January 21, 2014

The school year’s halfway done, but turning over a new leaf doesn’t need to wait until next New Year’s. Grab your wallet and prep your library card, because we’ve put together a list of some must-read books for your professional development resolutions for 2014.

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Snow, Snow, Go Away: Winter-Recess Policies

Academic Leadership // January 21, 2014

Winter has settled in with a vengeance in the Northern Hemisphere, heralded by the recent “Polar Vortex.” While the temperatures have slowly risen back to seasonal averages, the question of how to handle outdoor recess in the face of extreme cold has been raised on our Lower School Head/Division Head e-List. There are no national regulations beyond the common-sense meter, but when you’re bracing for wind chills that make the world feel colder than Mars, you know it’s time to set some ground rules for future arctic blasts.

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Sports-Related Brain Injuries on the Rise

Business and Operations // January 17, 2014

As we head into enrollment season for Student Accident coverages, we’ve come across some interesting statistics for sports-related injuries. What parents and your school administrators don’t want to hear is that the Journal of Pediatrics published a study reporting a 92% increase in pediatric visits to hospital emergency rooms for sports-related traumatic brain injuries between 2002 and 2011. What you and your families will want to know is that the severity of these cases appears to be decreasing.

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Protecting Yourself From What Everyone Else Is Sharing: Sniffles, Sneezes, and Coughs

Business and Operations // January 17, 2014

We’ve made it past the holiday season and straight into the time of the year when the flu bug is what’s being shared. It’s a big change from just a month ago when everything was merry and bright! In fact, if you’re one of the unfortunate ones on the flu bug's list, merry and bright is the exact opposite of what you’re feeling. If you’re lucky enough to have so far avoided catching what everyone else seems to be wrestling with, chances are you’re surrounded by sneezing, sniffling, and coughing co-workers. Wearing a facemask and inflating a plastic bubble around your desk may help to keep those nasty germs at bay, but there are other ways you can protect yourself—and your unaffected faculty, staff, and students.

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Your School's Statement of Philosophy

Board of Trustees // January 16, 2014

ISM has long recommended that a school’s mission statement be short, memorable, and distinctive—distinguishing the school from its public and private competition. The mission statement should be as much a marketing and public relations tool as a guide to internal decision-making. However, there is one other key, complementary document that helps define your school—a statement of philosophy.

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Keeping Former Trustees in the "Loop"

Board of Trustees // January 16, 2014

Your Board bylaws should place a limit on the number of consecutive terms that a Trustee may serve. Unfortunately, Trustees who leave the Board often immediately lose touch with their school. As a consequence, some of the most committed and able people may well lose interest and never consider renomination to the Board. Take steps to keep Trustees who are in their “off” years involved—perhaps to serve again in the future.

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Must-Reads for the Admission Office in 2014

Advancement // January 9, 2014

New Year’s Day has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean you can’t add a resolution to your list! We’ve spoken with admission professionals across the country and our ISM Consultants, and here are books Admission Officers have recommended to their peers.

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Tour Dos and Don'ts

Advancement // January 9, 2014

The winter season has definitely arrived and so has tour season! Soon, you will play host to prospective parents and their children. Keep reading to find some dos—and don’ts!—for your visitor programs to guarantee a successful season.

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