Community Corner

Community Corner
Community Corner

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Green Corner: The Truth About LED Lights

Business and Operations // December 27, 2012

Light Emitting Diode (LED) light technology has been around since the 70s in most electronics such as alarm clocks, VCRs, and microwaves. Although it’s been known that LED lighting is more cost effective, low luminosity and high cost of manufacturing has kept it from becoming a main source for home lighting.

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Newtown School and Your School

Business and Operations // December 27, 2012

Most of us continue to attempt to “get our heads around” what happened at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT. As we grieve for the children lost, the families, the community, and for the general “innocence lost” for all, we wonder if any good can come of this.

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After a Tragedy

Business and Operations // December 27, 2012

The shootings in Newtown, CT, have certainly shaken us all. Schools are taking a step back and wondering how they would react if such a tragedy affected their campus. On the ISM e-Lists, schools are chatting about crisis and evacuation plans, and how to communicate the events with students, while sending prayers and blessings to the victims.

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Knowing When You Need to Let Someone Go

Business and Operations // December 27, 2012

You’ve had a wonderful holiday break—lots of quality time with family and friends, special meals and celebrations, and even a little quiet time to reflect on the events of the year. You feel very content and relaxed—except for one thought that’s nagging at you. “I’ve really got to do something about Dolores (or Bob).” The thought makes you anxious and sad at the same time, and you push it from your mind (at least for the moment). But eventually, you know you need to deal with the issue. Here are a few thoughts to help you start down the path that you know in your heart of hearts is necessary for all concerned.

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Warding Off The Flu

Business and Operations // December 27, 2012

The buzz of the holiday season is concluded for yet another year. The hustle and bustle of holiday shopping, seemingly never ending merriment, and feast preparations have come to a sudden halt. It’s post-holiday crash time!

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A Story of Teaching Excellence

Academic Leadership // December 18, 2012

We ran across this New York Times story of a teacher, a 33-year veteran in a Massachusetts public middle school, who is a portrait of excellence in teaching. Ron Adams, teaches seventh-grade English in a school where half the children qualify for subsidized lunches and many live in housing projects. He dislikes standardized testing, and does not do very much prep for the required exams. Yet, his students fare much better than state averages. Adams teaches social consciousness—his first assignment each year is to write a letter to someone who has the power to fix a problem that upsets each child—to help them learn to take action. He also leads the school’s Save the World Club.

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Ask Michael

Business and Operations // December 18, 2012

Q: I need to let an employee go, and I’m wondering if it is better if I fire her or let her resign. Would it help her with unemployment benefits if I do one instead of the other?

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Teens Would Benefit From Later Morning Start

Academic Leadership // December 18, 2012

How many of us have a teenager who must be dragged out of bed to get to school by 7:30 a.m.? That’s the typical start time for most public high schools; private high schools typically start a bit later, around 8 a.m. Research shows teen body clocks don’t mesh with the school day. However, realigning school start times is a tough sell.

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The Gift of Simplicity

Business and Operations // December 18, 2012

During the holiday season, there is great focus on gift-giving—often accompanied by the adage, “It’s the thought that counts.” Taking this as our theme, we wanted to share a few thoughts about one of the best gifts you can give your school community—the gift of simplicity.

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Good Social Media Policy Protects Your School

Academic Leadership // December 18, 2012

In a recently broadcast episode of Law & Order: UK, a teen accused a man of a crime—it appeared he was a repetitive offender. As she sat in the witness box, the defense attorney challenged her. ”Five minutes minutes after this allegedly happened, you posted it on Facebook. Why did you not call the police?”

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