Community Corner

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See articles for School Heads, Business & Operations, Advancement, Academic Leadership, and Trustees, in addition to Private School News.

Green Corner

Business and Operations // March 8, 2010

Always Return Unused Medications to a Pharmacy The dangers of dumping unused or expired medications down the toilet and into the general plumbing system are not well known. Just like paint and other toxic chemicals, medications should not be discarded in this manner. They must be properly disposed of—most pharmacies will take them off your hands and do this for you.

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Tips to Promote Online Giving to Your School

Advancement // March 2, 2010

While mobile giving is a relatively new tool, online giving has been long established. Mobile giving is targeted for small donations, while the Internet is a better tool for larger ones. For schools, a giving page on the Web site is fundamental. But how effective is yours?

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"Text 'HAITI' to 99909 and Donate $10 to Earthquake Relief"

Advancement // March 2, 2010

Messages like this were broadcast and advertised widely—and still are—during the recent appeal to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. If you sent that text, $10 was added to your cell phone bill, and a donation—after fees deducted by the mobile carrier—went to the Red Cross. Text-to-give campaigns are becoming more common, as 83% of adults have cell phones or smart phone, according to the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project.

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Ask the Development Expert

Advancement // March 2, 2010

Q: "Our current Head announced he will retire in the next two years. Aside from sending a letter to our families, what is appropriate for announcing this to the community?"

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Test-Taking Technology Advances

Private School News // February 26, 2010

Technology continues to move at a lightning speed. Just when you think you've finally caught up, or better yet, moved ahead of the pack, something new comes ripping around technology corner—and everyone must, must, MUST have one/it!

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Self-Harming Students: It's Not Trendy—It's Addictive

Private School News // February 26, 2010

Student self-harming behaviors are one of the most challenging obstacles for school administrators, teachers, nurses, and counselors. There's no clear conclusion on why some teens adopt such behaviors—only speculations. What is assured about self-harming adolescents is, if their habits are not treated, they can become severe—and often increasingly addictive.

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Employee Benefit General Audit Questions

Private School News // February 26, 2010

The following information was provided by the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Quality Center. These are examples of general questions that you can expect to be asked by your plan's independent auditor.

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Keeping Your Work Space Organized

Private School News // February 26, 2010

The second half of the school year is always the most hectic. Now, it's benefit-renewal season, student-recruitment season, hiring season, contract-renewal season, and flu season. Regardless of what department you're in, chances are you're knee deep in paperwork and feeling all the typical stresses that this time of year brings.

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Managing Your School's Social Media

Private School News // February 26, 2010

There's a growing number of private-independent schools venturing into the social media realm. What many schools are finding is it's a great resource—and free—for connecting with alumni as well as parents. However, social media is not something that can be done without thought, effort, and certainly time behind it. While it's not a full-time position, social media management can easily become a demanding part-time position that keeps one on his/her toes. And, if managed with care, it can be quite powerful.

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Ask Michael

Business and Operations // February 25, 2010

Once a month, ISM's Human Resources Consultant Michael Brisciana will answer an HR-related question submitted by one of our readers. To ask Michael a question to be addressed in future e-letters, please click here.

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